December 28 : Pleasing People vs. Having Compassion

There is a big difference between pleasing people and having compassion for them. We often get these things very confused and think that if we have compassion for somebody, then our job is to make them happy. When we are trying to please people because we want their...

November 24 : Giving Thanks vs Feeling Entitled

The purpose of Thanksgiving is to be thankful for all the people and things we have in our lives. Yet our self-centred mind can sabotage this purpose when we think that people should thank us because we are so generous, so kind, so benevolent, so helpful, and so...

September 17 : Generating Wealth

When you imagine all sorts of wealth coming, our usual attitude is to think of material wealth. I was thinking that it should not be just material wealth we think about, but the fear of not having enough material things controls us. When there is a sense of poverty in...

September 12 : Heart Advice for Practitioners

Have a long-term view. Be content to create the causes in your practice by following the teachings and stop waiting for grandiose flashes of insight to occur and for instances of samadhi that you can go tell everyone you have had. Just be content to do your practice....

August 24 : Habits of Jealousy and Resentment

Look at situations that happen often in your life. Maybe it is a situation of somebody complimenting you for something, like “Good job, well done.” Immediately, what is your habit? “I’m the best one in the world.” Instead of just saying, “Thank you,” or thinking to...