Three Steps, One Bow Ceremony 三步一拜

Through the ages, Buddhist monks made long and arduous pilgrimages to the mountains, seeking to refine their minds and honour the Buddha. This practice, symbolising the challenging yet rewarding journey to enlightenment, has been passed down, and has evolved into the “three steps, one bow” we know today.
In this ceremony, devotees engage in meditative circumambulation around the temple’s perimeter, bowing once every three steps while chanting mantras or the name of the Buddha. With each prostration, the Buddha can be visualised to stand before one’s palms, which open to receive His teachings. These open palms also represent the purity of the mind, likened to lotus flowers blossoming untainted despite their roots in the “mud of defilements”. Every prostration is a profound gesture of respect to the Buddha, as well as to the countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

The ceremony’s duration signifies the journey towards enlightenment, emphasising the importance of determination in overcoming obstacles. By persevering through its challenges, practitioners strengthen their faith in the Buddha’s teachings, guiding them towards enlightenment. As dawn breaks at the ceremony’s end, it signifies the wisdom that dispels ignorance on the path to enlightenment.

Join us in this annual ceremony to give thanks for the blessings we have received. May our hearts be filled with gratitude and repentance as we reflect on the power of determination and perseverance to surmount any obstacle.






Date & Time: 日期与时间 21 May 2024 (Tuesday 星期二), 5.30pm — 22 May 2024 (Wednesday 星期三), 7am

*Estimated completion time is two hours. 预计完成时间为两小时

集合地点 Starting Point: Hall of Great Strength 大雄宝殿
To Register: 报名: 参加券分发详情 Ticket Distribution

1) On-site Redemption 现场领取
Date 日期: 12 May 2024 (Sunday 星期日)
Time 时间: Noon 中午12时
Venue 地点: Hall of No Form 无相殿
*Note注意: Tickets are given first come, first served. Limited to two tickets per person. Overnight queueing is not allowed. 

2) Online Redemption 线上领取
Date 日期: 10 May 2024 (Friday 星期五)
Time 时间: 9am
Redemption Link领取链接: (while slots last. 额满为止。)

注意事项 Please Note:
  • Please ensure that you arrive at the designated time. Latecomers will not be allowed to cut in line.
  • If you have misplaced or forgotten your admission ticket, please kindly join the public group after 10pm.
  • Your health and safety are important to us.  If you feel unwell, please refrain from participating in this activity.  
    温馨提醒: 我们关心您的健康和安全。若您感到身体不适,请停参与此活动。
Enquiry: 询问: 6849 5300 |
  • What time should I start queuing at the Hall of No Form to secure a ticket for the “Three Steps, One Bow” Ceremony? 我应该在什么时间至无相殿排队以领取三步一拜票券?

    The monastery is unable to provide guidance regarding the appropriate time to begin queuing, however, overnight queuing is strictly prohibited. The ticket distribution will commence at noon. 寺院无法建议信众应于什么时间排队,票券将于中午12时开始分发,严禁通宵排队。


  • How many tickets are to be distributed for this event? 今年寺院将分发多少张票券?

    We regret to inform we are unable to disclose the specific number of tickets being distributed for this event. 我们无法透露三步一拜票券分发的具体数量。


  • If I am unable to attend the designated ticket collection day, can arrangements be made to reserve tickets for me? 我不能在取票日前来取票,可否安排预留票券?

    No ticket reservations will be available. For non-ticket holders, you may join the public group on 21 May, 10pm to 22 May, 7am. The queue starts at Hall of No Form. 本寺无法预留票券。如果您没有参加券,您可以在5月21日晚上10时至5月22日上午7时之间于无相殿排队参加公开组。


  • How many tickets am I entitled to? 我可以领取多少张票券?

    Each individual is eligible to receive a maximum of two tickets. 每人可领取两张票券。


  • Can I participate in the “Three Steps, One Bow” Ceremony using a wheelchair or a personal mobility device (PMD)? 我可以使用轮椅或个人行动设备参与三步一拜吗? 

    For safety concerns, individuals using wheelchairs or PMDs are kindly requested not to participate in the procession. Participants using wheelchairs or PMDs may opt to circumambulate in a clockwise direction along the corridor of the Hall of No Form. 出于安全考量,使用轮椅或个人行动设备者将禁止参与三步一拜。然而,您可以至无相殿以顺时钟的方式绕行。


  • Can I bring my children to participate in the “Three Steps, One Bow” Ceremony? 我可以带小孩参加三步一拜吗?

    Tickets will only be issued to devotees aged 13 and above. For children 12 and below, they have to be accompanied by one participating adult with tickets. 12岁以下的孩童参加三步一拜无须票券,但须有至少一个家长持有票券陪同。


  • If I am unable to acquire a ticket or have misplaced or forgotten my ticket, what should I do? 若我没拿到票券,遗失或忘记携带票券,我该怎么办?

    If you have misplaced or forgotten your admission ticket, please kindly join the public group after 10pm. 若遗失或忘记携带票券,请参加晚上10时以后的公开组。

Please Note 注意事项

As there is limited parking space in the monastery, devotees are encouraged to use public transport.

Before the event  活动前

  • We recommend wearing comfortable clothing such as track pants and a loose-fitting T-shirt. If you have a Hai Qing, feel free to wear it.穿舒适的衣物。宽松的衣裤为佳。若您已皈依也能把海清穿上。
  • We suggest bringing a small towel to stay fresh and dry.
  • 您也可携带小毛巾以清洗自己。
  • To ensure proper hydration, it is advised that you drink plenty of water before the event.  
  • 多喝水以确保体内拥有充足的水份。
  • We advise bringing only the essentials to the event.
  • Come with faith to complete the whole event. 


During the Event  活动进行时   

  • Practise with Right Motivation and Mindfulness.