Mindfulness Meditation Group Practice 正念禅修

Participate in a weekly Mindfulness Meditation Group Practice with Venerable Chuan Hang to learn more about the intricacies of sitting and walking meditation. You will be able to develop inner peace, regain your sense of balance, and embark on a deep journey of self-discovery.


Date 日期:

9 April — 4 June 2024 (Every Tuesday 每逢星期二)
*No lesson on 21 May

Time 时间:

9.30am — 11am

Venue 地点:

Prajna Meditation Hall 2nd Floor | 般若禅堂二楼

Instructor 法师:

Venerable Chuan Hang 传航法师

Fee 费用: 

$30 (eight lessons 八堂课)




To Register 报名:

1) Online registration 线上报名: bit.ly/MGPTUE4
2) In-person registration 柜台报名: KMSPKS Reception Office 光明山普觉禅寺接待处 | 9am — 4pm

Registration Closing Date 报名截止日期:
23 April 2024 (or until fully registered 额满为止)

Waiting List 候补名单:
If registration is full, kindly indicate your interest to be placed on the waiting list below. In the event of any cancellations, interested participants on the waiting list will be contacted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Waiting List 候补名单

Please enquire about student concessions and eligibility for fee waiver at 6849 5346 or meditationhall@kmspks.org

Enquiry 询问: 6849 5346 | meditationhall@kmspks.org