Life Story Workshop 人生故事书工作坊

Embark on a spiritual journey, revisit cherished life moments, and reflect on your growth and transformation.
踏上心灵之旅 回顾人生点滴 深入反思成长
Life is like a book, where time turns the pages, and every moment etches an unforgettable story.
Create your unique life story! During this workshop, you will look back on the past, appreciate the present, and plan for the future, ensuring that your life is filled with purpose and free of regrets.
Through this workshop, you will be able to 透过这个工作坊,您将学习:
1. Share and reframe your memories, giving new meaning to each experience.
2. Pass on your wisdom, empowering future generations to overcome challenges.
3. Expand your social circle and connect with like-minded friends.
4. Enhance your well-being and confidence and embrace your later years with peace of mind.
* Note: Conducted in English and Chinese.
Instructor 导师
Yap Ching Wi (Senior Social Worker) has 25 years of extensive experience and has successfully helped 80 individuals from various fields shape their life stories. She specialises in enhancing self-awareness, guiding her students to create more meaningful chapters in their lives.
叶静慧 (资深社工)拥有25年的丰富经验,成功协助80位来自不同领域的人完成他们的人生故事书。叶老师专注于提升学员的自我意识,帮助他们创造更有意义的人生篇章。
日期:23 February — 23 March 2025 (Every Sunday 每逢星期日)
时间:10am — 12.30pm
地点:Awareness Hub 普觉坊
费用:$125 (Five lessons, materials included 五堂课,含材料费)
To Register 报名方式:
- Online Registration 线上报名
- 柜台报名:
- 光明山普觉禅寺接待处 | 上午9时至下午4时
- 普觉坊 | 上午11时30分至傍晚6时
Registration Deadline 报名截止日期:
One week prior to the course commencement or until fully registered (Limited to 15 participants, aged 45 and above)
询问:6336 5067 |