三皈五戒授戒典礼 Threefold Refuge and Five Precepts Ceremony



A)三皈五戒预备班 (以中文授课)
      Threefold Refuge and Five Precepts Preparatory Class (Conducted in Mandarin)


地点 Venue:宏船老和尚纪念堂, 1楼, 聚缘坊
                      Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 1, Ju Yuan Fang

日期 Date:26 October 2024 (星期六 Saturday)

时间 Time:1pm — 3pm

B) 三皈五戒授戒典礼 (以中文进行)
     Threefold Refuge and Five Precepts Ceremony (Conducted in Mandarin)

授戒师:广声大和尚 Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng

地点 Venue:宏船老和尚纪念堂,4 楼,无相殿
                      Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form 

日期 Date:27 October 2024 (星期日 Sunday)

报到时间 Reporting Time:中午12时 Noon
彩排时间 Rehearsal Time:12.30pm
授戒典礼时间 Starting Time:1pm

报名方式 To Register:

  1. 线上报名 Online registration
  2. 柜台报名 In-person registration: 光明山普觉禅寺接待处 KMSPKS Reception Office | 9am — 4pm

报名截止日期 Registration Deadline: 23 October 2024 (额满为止 or until fully registered )

询问 Enquiry:6849 5326 / 6849 5358 | sed@kmspks.org


  • 三皈五戒报名者务必出席三皈五戒预备班。预备班将以中文授课。
    Attendance of preparatory class is mandatory for those registering for the Threefold Refuge and Five Precepts Ceremony. This class will be conducted in Mandarin.

  • 强烈建议戒子报名参加同一天上午举办的佛教礼仪班 。
    Participants are strongly encouraged to attend the Buddhist Etiquette Class held on the same morning before this session.

  • 请用个人账号报名三皈五戒典礼。一个账号仅限报名一次。
    Please register for the “Threefold Refuge and Five Precept” ceremony through your personal account on the monastery’s website. Each account is limited to one registration.

  • 年龄12岁以上才可受持五戒。
    The “Five Precepts” ceremony is open to participants aged 12 years and above.

  • 可自备海青(三皈依)和缦衣(五戒),非强制性。欲请购海青缦衣,请至本寺接待处旁的光明坊。营业时间为上午8时30分至下午4时。
    While it is encouraged to bring your Haiqing (Threefold Refuge) and Manyi (Five Precepts), it is not mandatory. If you wish to purchase a Haiqing or Manyi, please visit Awareness Place located next to the Reception Office, between 8.30am to 4pm.

  • 寺内指南 Temple Map:  kmspks.org/visit/temple-map/

内容 Content:

  1. 为什么要受持三皈五戒?Why should one take the Threefold Refuge and Five Precepts?
  2. 受持三皈五戒的利益?What are the benefits of taking the Threefold Refuge and Five Precepts?
  3. 受持三皈五戒的功德?What are the merits of taking the Threefold Refuge and Five Precepts?
  4. 受持三皈五戒所要注意的事项?What are the important points to remember when taking the Threefold Refuge and Five Precepts?
  5. 如何修持戒律?How does one adhere to the Precepts?
  6. 如何把戒律落实到生活中?How can we integrate the Precepts into our everyday lives?