Publication by kmspksict | Dec 2, 2017 | Dharma Resources Reflections From The Quiet Mind 静心反思December 4, 2024Meditation is a training that involves exploring one’s inner world, discovering oneself, grasping the nature of life and developing wisdom. Through persistent, long-term practice, and after accumulating enough training hours quantitatively, our lives will transform qualitatively, with promising effects and benefits beyond words or thoughts. 静坐是一种心的锻炼, 更是一叶通往智慧的舟筏,它引领我们驶向内心深处,发现真正的自我,了悟生死与当下。通过持之以恒的修习,静心反思每个瞬间,我们的生活也将在 沉淀中绽放喜悦。... Read more...画开见佛 Drawing out the Buddha WithinMay 2, 2024“Drawing Out the Buddha Within” is a sequel to the book “I Ask the Buddha”. Through straightforward single-frame illustrations, it offers a simplified understanding of Buddhism. 继《我问佛》出版的续集《画开见佛》,通过简单易懂的故事内容与手绘插画,让读者对佛教有更加深入的理解。... Read more...The Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits All Sentient Beings 水陆法会October 10, 2023This is one of the grandest and most supreme of Chinese Buddhist prayers.... Read more...Words of the Master 大师的话May 17, 2023This book, which is a collection of Dharma teachings Venerable Hong Choon gave in the 1980s, pays homage to this inspiring Buddhist master and former abbot of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery. 这本书是长老在1980年代所传授的佛法合集,向这位鼓舞人心的佛教大师和光明山普觉禅寺的前住持致敬。... Read more...365 Gems of WisdomJanuary 4, 2023This book contain daily Buddhist inspirational teachings to create peace in a chaotic world.... Read more...我问佛 I Ask The BuddhaJanuary 28, 2022“I ask The Buddha” seeks to deepen readers’ understanding of Buddhism through straightforward single-frame comical representations while sharing illustrator’s personal experiences.... Read more...Don’t Look Down On The Defilements, They Will Laugh At YouAugust 4, 2020The mind does not belong to you but you are responsible for it.... Read more...Dhamma EverywhereJuly 13, 2020Dhamma is ever present and there is dhamma talk everywhere.... Read more...Awareness Alone is not EnoughJuly 6, 2020How much do you know about your awareness? What benefits do you get from being aware?... Read more...The Twenty-four Paragons of Filial PietyJune 30, 2020The Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety is a classic text of Confucian filial piety written by the Yuan Dynasty (1260–1368 BCE) scholar Guo Ju Jing.... Read more...Foundations for Developing Tranquility (Śamatha) and Insight (Vipaśyanā) MeditationMay 22, 2020In a nutshell, this book contains the essentials required for learning, enhancing or rectifying Buddhist meditation practice.... Read more...The Life of DaoxuanJune 10, 2019Through this study, we see Daoxuan emerge from the sources as a diligent student, a tireless traveller, a Mahayana-aspired vinaya master, a prolific writer, and an indefatigable hufa monk.... Read more...