Temple Stay 寺院生活体验

Are you curious about monastic life and eager to embark on an inner journey? We extend an invitation to you as a layperson to join our Temple Stay program. Our Temple Stay program allows you to immerse yourself in the daily routines of monastic life and participate in the traditions of Mahayana Buddhism, expanding your understanding of Buddhist practice.

Throughout your Temple Stay, you will be staying in the monastery, actively participating in a variety of activities, including:

  • Morning and Evening Chants: Discover tranquillity within the Buddhist scriptures.
  • Sitting Meditation and Walking Meditation: Delve into self-reflection, enhancing your focus, and relieving stress and anxiety.
  • Vegetarian Meals: Savor each bite, reconnecting with the essence and nourishment of natural ingredients.
  • Monastery Duties and Chores: Engage in the responsibilities of monastic life, fostering a profound connection between your mind and body.


Our Temple Stay program offers a rare opportunity for deep self-reflection and mindfulness. We encourage you to minimise the use of electronic devices and maintain noble silence during your stay, facilitating a heightened sense of self-awareness.

The Temple Stay program (3 to 14 days) is exclusively open to Singapore citizens, PRs, or individuals with a Singapore work pass, aged 17 to 60. Please complete the application form at least three weeks before your intended stay and send it to us via templestay@kmspks.org. Once your application is approved, you will receive a notification via email at least ten days before your arrival.

*Female participants must register as a group consisting of a minimum of four individuals to participate in the temple stay.





  • 早晚课诵——让心安住于梵呗经文中。
  • 静坐行禅——内观自心,提高专注,从而缓解内心的压力和焦虑。
  • 素食食养——让每一口米饭都回归食材的本味与滋养。
  • 出坡作务——在出坡作务中,与身心进行对话。



