Qing Ming Festival 清明节



Qing Ming is a traditional festival for the Chinese to remember and honour their ancestors by visiting their columbarium, graves or burial grounds.

As Buddhists, we can spend Qing Ming Festival recollecting the kindness of our forefathers and honouring them by remembering how they had lived a worthy life. In addition, we can also emulate the qualities of the noble ones who have come before us by observing their teachings.

* 报名开始日期 Registration Commencement Date: 4 February 2024 onwards

清明超度法会  Qing Ming – The Dedication of Merits to The Departed Puja 

日期 Date:4 April 2024 (Thursday)
时间 Time:
地点 Venue: 
无相殿 | Hall of No Form 

超荐牌位登记类别 Registration Categories:

** $100 and $280 categories are fully registered.

报名登记 Registration:

  • 线上报名 Online Registration: https://enets.kmspks.org/new/qingming (可登记$50与$100的荐牌 | Registration is available for $50 and $100 tablets)
  • 柜台报名 In-person registration: 寺务处 Front Office | 9am to 4pm (可登记$50、$100及$280的荐牌 | Registration is available for $50, $100 and $280 tablets)

询问 Enquiry:
6849 5333

* 法会结束后,未领取的供品将捐赠给慈善机构。
* Uncollected prayer offerings will be donated to charity homes after event.


  • 大众可用鲜花,素食和水果祭拜。 寺内禁止酒精及肉类食品。
  • 本寺呼吁信众应尽力维护环境。少焚烧冥纸。清明节期间,寺内禁止焚烧冥纸箱。


  • 请看管好您的供品。若您需离开片刻,请留一人看管供品。
  • 请小心点燃香与蜡烛,以免发生火患。
  • 祭祀完毕后,请清理您的供品。若您愿捐献祭拜过的水果,请将它们放置于指定的箱里。
  • 请在使用生态燃烧器前将所有塑料包装取出。


KMSPKS would like to remind visitors:

Before Your Visit

  • Bring only Vegetarian food, fruits, or flowers for offering. No alcohol, meat products are allowed at the monastery.
  • Have a mindful and greener Qing Ming. Burning less joss paper and reducing food wastage. No joss paper boxes are allowed to be burnt during this period. 

During Visit

  • Ensure your offerings are looked after. Unattended offerings will be removed.
  • Watch over lit candles and incense so as to prevent fire hazards.
  • Please clear your offerings after prayers. If you wish to donate fruits, please place them in the designated bins provided. 
  • Please remove all plastic materials before burning items at the Eco-burner.
祭祀完毕后该做怎么? What to do after a prayer or performing a positive act?

无论做什么善事,诵经等佛事后,具备功德,我们将此功德收摄,朝向利益法界众生离苦得乐的目标送出去,这简称为回向。 常用的回向偈有:


也有为某某亲属的祈愿, 没有固定的行文。例如:“愿将此功德回向母亲,愿她…” 

It is said that when we engage in some form of spiritual practice, good deeds, we are accumulating merit. Buddhist practice conclude with dedicating the benefit of our wholesome act to relieving the suffering of sentient beings.

There are various phrases use for dedication, such as :

May the merits and virtues accrued from the work adorn the Buddha’s Pureland.
Repay the four kindness above and relieve the suffering of those in the Three Realms below.
May those who see and hear of this, bring forth the Bodhi mind,
and live the teachings for the rest of this life, then be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

You can also create a dedication in your own words for your loved ones or the departed; such as ” By the virtue of this meritorous act, may mother attain full enlightenment…” It’s results will follow the vastness of your intent.

佛教焚烧冥纸吗? Do Buddhists burn joss paper?


Joss paper burning for the ancestors is a traditional Chinese custom for fear that the deceased may not have enough provision in the other world. However, according to Buddhism, after the death of a person, one is reborn in one of the six realms: gods, (asura) demi-gods, humans, animals, ghosts and hell realm; depending on one’s karma created in the past. And this conditions what one is able to receive.

The Chinese placed importance to the virtue-filial piety and offering items such as joss paper provides the opportunity to make space and take time to remember the loved ones. With this context, burning a small quantity of joss paper for the deceased, express one’s thoughts with respect is acceptable as long as they are moderate, not wasteful, or bringing harm to the environment. However, the best practice to generate merit for the ancestors is through charitable deed, building a stupa, or make offerings to the Triple Gem.


Opening Hours of Columbarium during Qing Ming period

23 Mar to 14 Apr | 3月23日至4月14日

  • 星期一至五 Mon to Fri: 7.30am – 4pm
  • 星期六、日与公共假日 Sat / Sun / PH: 6am to 5pm
  • 清明节正日(4月4日)Qing Ming Actual Day (4 April): 6am to 8pm

斋堂 Dining Hall

  • 素食供品将于2024年3月21日至4月14日,上午8时至下午2时之间于斋堂售卖,售完为止。
    Vegetarian offerings for prayers are available for purchase at the Dining Hall from 21 March to 14 April 2024, 8am to 2pm, while stocks last.
  • 素粽将于2024年3月28日起,上午8时至下午2时之间于斋堂售卖。数量有限,售完为止 。
    Vegetarian Rice Dumplings are available for purchase at the Dining Hall from 28 March 2024 onwards, 8.30am to 2pm, while stock lasts. 

扶助 Accessibility

  • 清明超度法会期间,宏船老和尚纪念堂(面对新加坡佛学院的白色楼梯下)将提供轮椅租借服务。
    Wheelchairs are available at Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, located under the white staircase facing the Buddhist College of Singapore.
  • 急救志愿者将在周末高峰期间待命。如需帮助, 请联系值班团队。
    First Aid Volunteers are on stand-by during peak weekends. Do approach on-duty team if you need assistance.

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其他为先人修积功德做法有 Explore other favourable merit-making ways

愿众生离苦得乐! May All Beings be well & happy!  


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