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The 10 Advantages of Bodhicitta

What we emphasise and pay attention to influences our experience. Continuously recalling all that we have received from others eliminates our feelings of alienation and loneliness.





Knowing and Celebrating Vesak

As we immerse ourselves in the grand festivities this Vesak Day, let us commemorate Shakyamuni Buddha and remember his noble spirit and great achievements.

New Release

October 18 : People Do Care

“Nobody loves me!” It is a big one we tell ourselves. “Nobody loves me!” Is that true or not? I think people love us. Our friends love us. Our pets love us. Sometimes we get into a mental state where we cannot see how much other people loved us, but…

October 19 : Self-Centeredness

Our whole life revolves around ourselves. We think of ourselves all the time. In particular, we get an identity from the social situations that we find ourselves in. A lot of the thought that revolves around ourselves centres on the topics of…

October 20 : Same

Every morning we come here and sit around this table to have breakfast. The external situation is pretty much the same. Sitting in the room with pretty much the same people at the same time of the day. Yet we notice from day to day how much our…

October 15 : Dedication for a Meaningful Life

Don Wackerly, one of our Dharma friends whom some of us had been writing to for several years was executed in Oklahoma yesterday. How do you rejoice and be sad at the same time, which is actually possible? Being his pen pal for…

October 16 : Creating Karma

Here we are together at the breakfast table, blown by the winds of karma. It is not by accident, it is not predestined, and it is not under somebody’s master plan. It is due to causes and conditions, and specifically due to our previous actions, that…

October 17 : What Can You Rely On?

Suffering is defined in three different ways. The “ouch” suffering is the most common. The second kind of suffering is the suffering of change. I really like this thing that is happening right now, and I start grabbing onto it. Right away it is not so much fun anymore and…

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