History & Milestones 缘起

《华严经- 菩萨住处品》
Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (KMSPKS) was founded in 1921 by Venerable Sik Zhuan Dao as a place for Buddhist practice, to share the Dharma, and to provide lodging for monks, as many Sangha members who came to Singapore at that time did not have a place to stay.
Venerable Zhuan Dao passed on in 1943, at the age of 72. In 1947, Venerable Seck Hong Choon became the second abbot of KMSPKS. With great perseverance and the support from his 280,000 disciples worldwide, Venerable Hong Choon progressively developed and expanded the monastery.
Venerable Hong Choon’s contributions to Buddhism were felt not only in Singapore but also in South East Asia. He was conferred the title of “Supreme Chinese Monk” by the Thai King, Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1987 as a tribute to him.
On 25 December 1990, Singapore lost one of her most highly regarded monks of our time when Venerable Hong Choon passed on at the age of 84. Venerable Sik Yen Pei took up the abbotship in 1991, followed by Venerable Sik Long Gen in 1994. The fifth abbot of the monastery was Venerable Sik Sui Kim who was also the abbot of Xing Yuan Temple, as well as Hwa Zhang Temple in the Philippines.
Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng was appointed on 5 June 2004 as the sixth and incumbent abbot of the monastery.
Significance of Our Name
According to the Sutras, “Kong Meng San (Guang Ming Shan)” is the name of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s (Guan Yin Pu Sa) Pureland. In the Chapter of “Entering the Dharma Realm” in the Flower Garland Sutra, it was recorded that the youth Sudhana (Shan Cai Tong Zi) had visited 53 great spiritual teachers and his 27th teacher was Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva who taught him the practice of great compassion. As a mark of respect for this significant encounter, KMSPKS conducts the Great Compassion Obstacle Elimination Ceremony on the 27th day of every lunar month.
The second part of our name, “Phor Kark See (Pu Jue Si)”, is translated as “the Monastery of Universal Awakening”. This name bears the great importance of serving as a reminder “to abide by the right understanding of the Dharma, to benefit all sentient beings, and to realise great liberation and Buddhahood.”
A Chronological Snapshot of Our Growth and Achievements
1921 | • KMSPKS was founded by Venerable Sik Zhuan Dao. |
1947 | • Venerable Seck Hong Choon took over as the second abbot. • Construction of the Crematorium and Columbarium was completed. |
1966 | • The first Grand Dedication of Merit Ceremony was held. |
1971 | • The ‘Extension Project Fund’ Trusteeship was set up. |
1978 | • Construction of the Dharma Hall & Library was completed. |
1980 | • Construction of the Hall of Great Compassion was completed. |
1982 | • Construction of the Hall of Precepts was completed. |
1984 | • The first 3-Steps-1-Bow Ceremony was held. KMSPKS is the first monastery in Singapore to hold this ceremony. |
1985 | • Visit by Her Royal Highness, Princess Sirinthron of Thailand to offer robes presented by His Eminence, the Supreme Patriarch of the Thai monastic community. • Foundation-laying ceremony of the Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas was officiated by the Deputy Supreme Patriarch of Thailand. Mass prayers for the victims of the New World Hotel Collapse were held. |
1987 | • Venerable Seck Hong Choon was conferred the title of Supreme Chinese Monk by His Royal Majesty, King of Thailand. |
1991 | • Venerable Sik Yen Pei took over as the third abbot. |
1994 | • Venerable Sik Long Gen took over as the fourth abbot. |
1995 | • Venerable Sik Sui Kim took over as the fifth abbot. |
1998 | • Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng, then Chief Administrator, formed the KMSPKS Dharma Propagation Division (DPD). |
2003 | • Construction of the Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall was completed. |
2004 | • Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng took over as the sixth abbot. • Organised the Triple Platform Ordination Ceremony. |
2005 | • The Buddhist College of Singapore (BCS) was established. • Co-organised the Gandara Exhibition with the Asian Civilisations Museum. |
2006 | • The first Buddhist Concert "Voices of Harmony" was held at the Singapore Indoor Stadium to raise funds for the Singapore Buddhist Federation’s upgrading project fund of Maha Bodhi School. • The inaugural batch of monastic students at the BCS was admitted. • Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Museum was opened. |
2007 | • Undertook first pilgrimage trip to India led by KMSPKS, with Venerable Kwang Sheng. |
2009 | • Collaboration with Royston Tan’s Chuan Pictures for the short film "Little Note". • "Voices of Harmony 2" Concert was held at the Singapore Indoor Stadium to raise funds for the Singapore Buddhist Free Clinic. |
2011 | • Graduation of the inaugural batch of BCS students was held. • First Buddhism & Science Symposium was held in KMSPKS. • Screening of the animated film "The Buddha" at the Asian Buddhist Film Festival. |
2012 | • Ground-breaking ceremony for the new BCS building and the multi-storey car park was held. |
2013 | • Collaboration with Royston Tan’s Chuan Pictures for the short film "Popiah", an award-winning film at several film festivals. • Relocation ceremony of Bright Hill Evergreen Home to Punggol |
2014 | • Construction of multi-storey car park was completed. |
2015 | • Construction of the new BCS building was completed. • Organised Concert 2015: Sound of Wisdom – a fund-raising concert for Bright Hill Evergreen Home. |
1943年,转道老和尚示寂,世寿72。1947年宏船老和尚 接任第二任方丈职务。宏老是早年南洋一带弘扬佛法的先驱。宏船老和尚一生对社会、佛教的贡献,不只在新加坡备受崇高敬仰,同时也享誉全东南亚。 宏老辛勤耕耘,历尽艰辛万苦,将荒山小寺,建成东南亚区域殿宇辉煌的佛教名山胜刹。他中兴光明山普觉禅寺,接济孤苦贫困无数,慈悲为怀,毕生弘法利生不懈,为新加坡佛教的推动与发展不遗余力。深受社会各界的敬仰, 同时亦为国际佛教界所赞扬。
他一生以各种方便法门, 深入民间,替人解决难题。贡献教育与社会,渡引人入佛门,徒众之多,遍及天南地北。宏老于1987年被泰皇普米蓬 ▪ 阿杜德 钦封“华僧大尊长”最高荣衔,以表扬他的功绩。
1990年12月25日新加坡痛失了一位德高望重的高僧,当时宏船老和尚世寿84。1991年,演培老和尚接任方丈职务, 1994年隆根老和尚接任方丈职务;第五任方丈是由瑞金老和尚接任,瑞老同时也担任菲律宾信愿寺及华藏寺的方丈。
1921 | 由转道老和尚创立。 |
1947 | 宏船老和尚接任第二任方丈。 火葬场与骨灰塔建筑落成。 |
1966 | 首办水陆法会暨三坛大戒。 |
1971 | 成立“扩建护法团”。 |
1978 | 藏经楼暨图书馆落成。 |
1980 | 大悲殿落成。 |
1982 | 甘露戒堂落成。 |
1984 | 成为本地第一间举办三步一拜的寺院。 |
1985 | - 泰国公主诗琳通,亲持僧王之袈裟赠礼,来本寺拜见宏船长老。 - 恭请泰国副僧王主持万佛塔奠基大典。 - 为新世界大酒店塌楼罹难者超度。 |
1987 | 宏船老和尚受泰皇钦奉“华僧大尊长”最高荣衔。 |
1991 | 演培老和尚接任第三任方丈。 |
1994 | 隆根老和尚接任第四任方丈。 |
1995 | 瑞金老和尚接任第五任方丈。 |
1998 | 广声大和尚成立弘法部。 |
2003 | 宏船老和尚纪念堂落成。 |
2004 | 广声大和尚接任第六任方丈。举办“三坛大戒”。 |
2005 | 于本寺举办“第一届佛教音乐会”。成立新加坡佛学院 与亚洲文明博物馆联办键陀罗佛教艺术展。 |
2006 | - 于新加坡室内体育馆主办第一届大型佛教音乐会《千年一音》筹款。 - 新加坡佛学院开始招生。 宏船老和尚纪念馆 “思源轩”开放。 |
2007 | - 广声大和尚带领本寺组团“短期出家”第一次赴印度朝圣。 |
2009 | 与陈子谦的泉影片制作公司协作微型电影《小字条》,这是本寺第一次制作微型电影。 第二次在新加坡室内体育馆举办《千年一音》筹款音乐会。 |
2011 | - 举办佛学院 学僧毕业典礼。在本寺举办第一届《佛教与科学座谈会》。《佛教与科学座谈会》是由本地的佛教团体发起的一系列的公众讨论会。 - 在亚洲佛教影片节放映《佛陀》(The Buddha)本寺出资的动画片. |
2012 | 举办新加坡佛学院及多层停车场奠基仪式。 |
2013 | - 与陈子谦导演协作微型电影《薄饼》,并在数个电影展得奖。 - 光明山修身院重建开幕仪式。 |
2014 | - 多层停车场落成。 |
2015 | - 新加坡佛学院落成。 - 与黄慧音协办《静世慧音》音乐会为光明山修身院筹款。 |
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