Prayers 诵经祈福

Blessings for the Living 祈福
To be generous in giving, to be righteous in conduct,
to help one’s relatives, and to be blameless in action
— this is the greatest blessing.
In the Mangala Sutta, the Buddha, expounded 38 forms of great blessings. One of them is generosity, a quality which the Buddha taught is conducive to one’s happiness and prosperity, in accordance with the karmic law of cause and effect. Some of events for blessings are:
- Lunar New Year (Lunar 1st month)
- Great Compassionate Blessing (27th day of every lunar month)
- Medicine Buddha Lamp Offering
- Medicine Buddha Blessing (1st week of every lunar 9th month)
- Shui Lu, The Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits All Sentient Beings
” 布施好品德,帮助众亲眷,
行为无瑕疵,是为最吉祥 “
- 大悲法会(逢农历廿七) 您可登记报名一整年或每月个别报名。
- 点药师灯(整年)
- 药师法会(九月的第一星期)
- 水陆冥阳两利超度大斋法会

Remembrance 追思
The Buddha’s teachings were propagated in the world for the purpose of educating and benefiting all sentient beings in the six realms.
The remembrance of ancestors and praying for the deliverance of the departed loved ones are exemplary traditions of Chinese Buddhism.
Family and friends can choose to perform Buddhist rituals for departed loved ones during the first forty-nine days of their death or on their death anniversaries. Buddhist rituals such as chanting, offerings of food,cultivating merits etc. are beneficial to both the deceased and living. Ancestral veneration is a traditional Chinese custom rooted in gratitude and is a virtuous act of filial piety to departed ancestors for the Chinese.
Even prayer activities performed after 49 days will also benefit the deceased. Families or individuals can register for the following prayers to dedicate merits to their departed loved ones:
For enquiry, please call 询问
Front Office | from 8.30 am – 4.30 pm daily
寺务处 | 每日早上八点半 至 下午四点半
Prayer Events Schedule 全年诵经祈福项目
2023年 | Prayer Event 诵经祈福项目 | Registration 开始登记 |
JAN 一月 | ||
FEB 二月 | 如意灯 – 廿九到十五 (28/1/2025-12/2/2025) 斋天 – 正月初九 (6/2/2025) 消灾 – 正月十二 (9/2/2025) 补运 – 正月十五 (12/2/2025) 大悲法会 – 农历廿七 | 4/2/2025 清明超度法会登记 Registration of Qing Ming Prayer Service 14/2/2025 Registration of Medicine Buddha Lamp Offering 药师琉璃灯登记 |
MAR 三月 | ||
APR 四月 | 4/4/2025 清明超度法会 The Dedication of Merits to the Departed Puja | |
MAY 五月 | 3/5/2025 传灯与许愿仪式 The Light Transference and Aspiration-making Ceremony 12/5/2025 卫塞节 Vesak Day | |
JUN 六月 | 10/6/2025 盂兰盆节超度法会登记 Registration of Ullambana Puja |
JUL 七月 | 1/7/2025 地藏王菩萨圣像开始登记 Registration of The 1001 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Offering |
AUG 八月 | 七月初一至初九 23/8/2025 - 31/8/2025 地藏追思报恩法会 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Puja | 1/8/2025 药师燃灯法会登记 Registration of Medicine Buddha Puja |
SEP 九月 | 七月十五 6/9/2025 盂兰盆节法会 Ullambana Festival Puja | 15/9/2025 水陆法会登记 Registration of The Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits All Sentient Beings |
OCT 十月 | 12/10/2025 吉祥斋天 The Grand Offering to Celestial Being Puja 13/10/2025 – 19/10/2025 药师燃灯法会 Medicine Buddha Puja | |
NOV 十一月 | ||
DEC 十二月 | 7/12/2025 – 14/12/2025 水陆法会 The Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits All Sentient Beings |
~ 释迦牟尼佛说的每一部经典,都有人请法,只有《阿弥陀经》例外,这部经是佛不问自说,没有人请法。为什麽?因为没有人明白此难信之法。这个净土法门在表面上看来,好像是很简单,但实际上,「阿弥陀佛」四个字就包括三藏十二部一切的经典。「佛说阿弥陀经」是净土宗最根本的一部经典,文字篇幅不多,功德却非常的殊胜不可思议。只要虔诚诵经就能得到「一切诸佛所护念」,而且能圆满具足「信丶愿丶行」这「净土三资粮」,决定往生极乐净土。
三时系念是中峰国师所提倡的佛事。主要目的是藉着系念阿弥陀佛万德洪名,劝导与超荐亡灵信愿念佛往生西方极乐世界,永离业海,直证不退,圆满无上菩提。这个法事做一遍, 等于听佛,祖师为我们开示一遍,功德殊勝!通过诵念此经,持念阿弥陀佛,忏悔业障,能成就最究竟、最圆满的功德利益。发心做此法事,不只消灾免难,冥阳两利,福报更不可思议!这部《三时系念法事》,每一时的开示,有禅、有净、有教、有密,非常稀有难得。!
Prayer Services 佛事服务
Prayers for booking during the period of Custody Service (Ji Ling) / 100 days / Death Anniversary:
Sutra 经文 | Duration 诵经时间 | Fee 费用 (in. GST) | Offerings | Booking 预约 |
Amitabha Sutra 阿弥陀经 | ~ 6 mins | $65.40 | Fruits & Vegetarian Food | Available Daily: 8.30am-10.30am |
3 Prayers Amitabha Sutra, Heart Sutra, Great Compassion Mantra 三部经:弥陀经,心经,大悲咒 | ~ 8 mins | $87.20 | As above | Available Daily: 8.30am-10.30am |
Diamond Sutra 金刚经 | ~ 30 min | $272.50 | Fruits, Vegetarian Food, Flowers, Red & White Buns, Huat Kueh | Advance booking at least 14 days to 2 mths in advance |
Ksitigarbha Sutra 地藏经 | ~ 90 mins | $523.20 | As above | |
3-Sutras Diamond Sutra, Ksitigarbha Sutra, Pu Men Pin 佛事三经 地藏经,金刚经,普门品 | ~ 2 ½ hours | $1831.20 | ||
3-Times Observance 三时系念 | ~ 3 ½ hours | $4200 | ||
Great Merits Cultivation 大功德: 水忏与放焰口 | 1 Day (8.30 am to 9.15 pm) 1 天 早上8点半至晚上9点15分 |
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