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New Release

September 1 : Antidotes to the Judgmental Mind

One of the ways that the self-centered mind manifests is in the judgmental and critical mind, the mind that looks at what other people are doing and say, “Why are they doing that? They should be doing this.”

September 2 : Bodhicitta, the Best Gift

What is the best thing that we can give to sentient beings? It is developing bodhicitta. When they praise the Buddha as a reliable guide, it is because he has the intention to benefit sentient beings, he is the teacher, and…

September 3 : The Importance of Developing Equanimity

When we think about bodhicitta and try and cultivate it, it becomes completely clear that without equanimity, bodhicitta is impossible. Equanimity is the first prelude, it is neither included in the seven-point-cause-and-effect instructions nor…

September 4 : Meditating on Sentient Beings as Mother

When meditating about the kindness of our mothers, the kindness of our parents, and the kindness of sentient beings, it is important not to develop attachment especially for our present-life parents. Rather we see that all sentient beings have been…

September 5 : Friend, Enemy, Stranger

Look closely at the criteria we use to put people in the attachment category, the aversion category, or the apathy category. Look really deeply, who do we have an attachment for? It is always the people who are nice to…

September 6 : Seeing the Kindness of All Sentient Beings

When you reflect on the kindness of your present-life parents, think of all other sentient beings who had also been your parents in past lives and had been kind in the same way. You are not stuck on your relationship with the parents of…

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