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“You’re Right!?” Conflict Resolution from a Buddhist Perspective
Singapore is a multi-racial and multi-religious society, thus, having a better understanding of dispute resolution from the perspectives of the major religions in Singapore to minimise conflicts in our lives.
像蜗牛一样禅意生活 —— 读《慢慢禅》有感
蜗牛的步履看似缓慢,却步步朝向目标。慢慢禅, 就是慢慢而坚定地接近着自己的目标,以这样禅意的方式生存着, 追求着。
The True Significance of Practicing Tolerance
Often, Buddhists are puzzled and confused by the manner of practicing tolerance (忍), for they could not understand the principle and meaning of it.
Why We Should Extend Loving-kindness to All Beings?
We are able to enjoy all the pleasures and opportunities of human life because we have this present body with human faculties.