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佛教是伦理性的宗教,其宣扬的五戒、十善、四摄、六度、八正道等思想有着丰富的伦理色彩。佛教的善恶观、慈悲观、人 生观、缘起观等,对净化人心,构建和谐社会,维护世界和平与发展 都具有重要的现实启示。




没有人会满足于本可改善的不理想现状,所以我们应努力寻找一个更好的方法,要用 行动去改善事物,而不是望洋空悲叹,一味表示不满。如果你有过于要求完美的心理趋向,应当尽快调整。

What is the meaning and purpose of life?

Understanding the preciousness of our human life is one of the first steps on the path to enlightenment. If we do not appreciate our life, we would not use it in a valuable way.

The Benefits of Taking Refuge

From ancient times to the present, the taking of refuge has functioned as the entranceway to the teaching of the Buddha.

What is Buddha-nature?

In Buddhism, the ultimate goal is to attain liberation and become a Buddha. The topic of “Buddha-nature” deals with whether one could become a Buddha, and is hence considered one of the most crucial concepts in Buddhism.

New Release

April 24 : Death and Identity

When you hear that somebody is dying, or think about your death, it feels like there is a real, solid person who will be gone soon. If you really examine this idea, you will see that there is no person there to start with, just a body and…

April 25 : Using Suffering to Increase Compassion

Encountering people or animals that are suffering but for which we are unable to do anything about provides a good opportunity for us to practise the Dharma in real life. Feeling helpless and despondent in situations like these can lead to…

April 26 : Healthy or Sick

My body should always be healthy. I will do ten backflips to make sure it is healthy. I must have a special room for yoga. Do not ask me to do yoga in a room that has laminated flooring, even if I have a yoga mat. No. My body is too precious for…

April 27 : Basis of Designation

In our daily life, we say things like, “I see the cup,” but when we look, what are we really seeing? We are actually seeing just the colour and the shape. We are seeing the properties of the cup, and based on those…

April 22 : Intentionally Deceiving Others

Lying or intentionally deceiving others, really brings into focus how we use our speech. Some people see lying as completely justified, and if we ever feel that we must lie about something, it is good to ask ourselves, “What am I doing that…

April 23 : Kindness and Interdependence

Looking at interdependence, we see how things are dependent on many causes, and how things are interrelated. We also see interdependence when we think about how many people are involved with making and…

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