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当你害怕痛苦就越痛苦,害怕痛苦的程度与你承受痛苦的程度成正比例;所以, 在面对痛苦时,就要接受痛苦,品尝痛苦,并学习好好地“看着”它,痛苦慢慢就会减弱,就会渐渐消解,成为过去。


哪里是净土? 我一直以为只要心灵清洁,就拥有自己的净土。我并不是佛教徒,但一度为此沾沾自喜, 认为自己具有的悟性、境界和对佛法的理解比普通人高,和平常人说话时也不知不觉中抬高了姿态。然而去年夏天的一次无意阅读却仿佛一声惊雷,将我轰醒。

Cherish What You Have Instead of Envying Others

Regardless of whether we are running 100 metres or a marathon or whether we are leading or lagging in the race, our focus should not be on winning or losing it, but on giving our utmost to complete the journey.

Meditating on the Body

Desire is one of the greatest hindrances to our spiritual development, and also to our happiness in the here-and-now. We have so much wonderful potential: to be peaceful, happy, relaxed and have a loving and satisfying relationships with others.

New Release

July 25 : Guilt

It is important to realise that guilt from the Buddhist viewpoint is a hindrance to liberation and awakening. While regret is something beneficial because we realise our mistaken actions, guilt is not beneficial because it gets into…

July 26 : Conviction in the Path

We woke up today, and so the day started well. We have another day to practise, but because we do not know how long we will live or when death will come, we need to be fully present in our lives and make wise decisions. Because what…

July 27 : Mudita the Moose

When we encounter other sentient beings throughout the day, it is good to remember that they are not their current body and mind. One afternoon, a friend and I were walking back from the forest surrounding the Abbey. We came…

July 29 : Guarding the Senses

Whenever we are in a very busy environment, we should take care of our minds by guarding our senses. Guarding the senses entails being aware of where they go — where we direct our eyes, what sounds we pay attention to, what smells we are…

July 23 : Transforming Stubborn Resistance

Transforming stubborn resistance in our mind is a very important skill to cultivate because we all have to do things throughout our lives that we do not like doing them. I remember once when the Sravasti Abbey community was working together to…

July 24 : Big View

It is important to have a big view and to think big. That was Lama Yeshe’s way of doing things. Not just to think big this life, but to think big beyond this life.

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