September 30 : Self-Centered Thought

We all want to be happy, and we do not want to suffer. Yet as sentient beings it seems like we create so much cause for our suffering. Why is this? It is very much rooted in our self-centred thought that just thinks about me, what I want, what makes me feel good, what... read more

September 29 : Marinated in Guilt

There is a big difference between regretting our mistakes and feeling guilty. Regret is, “I made a mistake. I am going to learn from it. I put the thing down and I go on.” Guilt is, “Oh god! How could I have done that? I am so terrible. I cannot face the world again.... read more

September 28 : The Concept of Refuge

I have started thinking about refuge more deeply, and one of the interesting things is how our minds fool us. I have been a student for a while, so I am like, “Oh yeah, refuge, I take refuge,” I am doing refuge ngondro, where you repeat the prayer of taking refuge in... read more