April 3 : Antidotes to Attachment

Think about attachment — how we get attached to things, how we act, and what the outcome is — we will begin to see the disadvantages. In meditation, it is very helpful to reflect on examples from your own life: “When I followed attachment, how did it work out in the long term?” This allows you to build up your wisdom of knowing the disadvantages of attachment in your life. Try and remember the disadvantages when attachment comes up when you are about to do something stupid that you know you do not want to do, if not for the belief that “Oh! It’s going to bring so much happiness right now.” This will help us to refrain and develop the ability to restrain ourselves. This is not suppression but it is making a wise decision because we want the long-term benefit, not the longterm disadvantage.

Another antidote for attachment is to think about impermanence and how things are changing. “I might run after this thing of attachment, but it’s not always going to make me happy. Whatever object or possession that I might be tempted to steal or lie in order to get to, is going to break after a while. It’s going to be out of style. It’s changing all the time. I’m going to lose interest in it.” So, it is better not to follow attachment now.

When we see attachment rising, the short-term pleasure is dangling there like the carrot in front of the donkey. Sit in meditation and imagine going through the struggle and really puff up the attachment: “This situation is so wonderful. This person is so great, or the object is so great. All the praise I’m receiving is just over the top and wonderful.” Imagine getting everything that you are attached to, and really living it up in your imagination. Then at the end, ask yourself, “Now are you happy that you have all of this? How long will that happiness last? Will getting all of that bring you long-term happiness?” Sit and look at your whole dream come true. If the object of attachment is not going to bring you happiness forever or make you 100% satisfied with your life, then it is better to use your wisdom and live according to your values and principles and restrain yourself.

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