April 5 : Bad Moods

We all go through bad moods from time to time. It is part of our conditioning in cyclic existence. I think one of the main things that is going on when we are in a bad mood is that we want things to be different from the way they are. Things are going one way and our mind is saying, “Sorry, that is not acceptable. Things have to be another way because I want them to be another way.” Not accepting what is happening causes us much misery and grief because no matter how much we sit in our bad mood and complain about how things are, things are the way they are, and what is happening is already happening.

If we do not like what is happening, then we have to come back to our understanding of karma and see that it is a result of our previous actions. If we want things to be different, rather than rejecting what is happening now, we accept it, work with it, let go of our bad mood about it, and instead create the causes for having happiness in the future. If we have a positive attitude that is happy to create the causes for future happiness, then the present bad mood evaporates as we create some acceptance for what is happening now. What is, is.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!