August 4 : Optimism and Renunciation
In studying the disadvantages of samsara, it almost seems as if we are at odds with the methods we are being taught to cultivate renunciation. Optimism is different from attachment to life’s pleasure. There is confusion when considering this in the context of the teachings about the disadvantages of cyclic existence. An optimistic attitude about things going on in our lives, which is also a completely realistic attitude says, “What can I learn, how can I benefit, how can I receive, how can I connect with other people?” That is a beneficial attitude, and everybody’s lives would be much better if they had an optimistic attitude instead of always presupposing the worst.
When we talk about the disadvantages of cyclic existence, that too is a realistic attitude. We are not being pessimistic. We are seeing what cyclic existence is and what it is not. We are cultivating a certain disillusionment with cyclic existence, but that disillusionment is counteracting the mind that says, “I’m going to find ultimate pleasure, delight, happiness and bliss in cyclic existence.” That is actually an unrealistic attitude because that is never going to happen. We need to see cyclic existence for what it is so that we can deal with it in a practical way, which is to cultivate the wish and the determination to get out of it and to overcome it.
That does not mean we approach life in a pessimistic way, always assuming that the worst is going to happen. That is an unrealistic attitude because it is jumping to conclusions. Optimism is beneficial, it has realism in it. Being optimistic does not mean that we think we are going to find everlasting bliss and joy in samsara, because that is never going to happen. We become optimistic about attaining liberation, about generating bodhicitta, and about attaining full awakening, which is a good state, a state of lasting happiness that we can attain, and that we can go towards.
Is developing the renunciation of samsara realistic? We are not staying in a “samsara stinks” mentality, we are cultivating the optimism that will lead us to develop our good qualities, give up our afflictions, and attain full awakening. At the same time, while we are in samsara, on a day-to-day basis, we try and have a positive motivation that is beneficial and realistic. The optimism that we have the potential to get out of cyclic existence is included in renunciation.
Talking about optimism implies an acceptance of understanding the nature of cyclic existence, rather than a denial. To experience our difficulties and have optimism around our capacity to be able to change or appreciate the kindness of the people around us means that we have already accepted that implicity as opposed to pushing it away. That is what helps to generate the determination to be free. We must accept what is and have a positive attitude about how we go forward.
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