February 9 : Ultimate Nature of Reality
Whatever appears is your own mind. Your mind from the start was free from fabricated extremes. Understanding this, do not take to mind inherent signs of subject and object. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas.
All phenomena exist dependently and have done so from the start, which really means “by their nature” since there is no beginning in Buddhism. Yet, due to ignorance, our mind projects inherent existence onto phenomena, which then appear back to us as their inherent nature. We believe that things have their own intrinsic nature or essence that distinguishes them from other phenomena and makes them what they are.
But neither the perceiving mind as the subject nor the perceived phenomena as the object, have any inherent existence. They actually exist dependently in four ways — upon one another, upon causes and conditions, upon parts, and upon being conceived and labelled. Repeated familiarisation with this realisation will enable us to cleanse ignorance and afflictions and their seeds from the mindstream and attain arhatship, or the full awakening of a Buddha.
“365 Gems of Wisdom” First Volume (January — March) e-book is out now!