July 19 : Progressing Day by Day

The real benefit of dedicating the merit we create is that the merit is protected from being destroyed by anger or wrong views, and it sets our merit to go in the direction that we want, so it will ripen the way we want. It is important to dedicate to the highest, long-term goal of full awakening. If you dedicate to that, the merit does not get used up until it is attained, and in the process, you get a good rebirth and good conditions. If you only dedicate yourself to a good rebirth and good conditions, the merit ripens in that coming lifetime and finishes. It is very important to have the long-term goal of full awakening in mind.

When we live by generating good motivation in the morning, being mindful of our precepts, and having introspective awareness during the day, and we do purification practice and dedicate the merit in the evening, we are going to improve day by day.

We acknowledge that whatever mistakes we had made, we learn from them and determine not to do them again. The next day we try again and do better, though sometimes we may regress or slip up. But if we practise in this manner continuously, trying to perform what is wholesome, purify what is not, and dedicate the merit, we will progress. As we progress, that progression becomes evident to the people around us because we are much nicer people to be around. In our minds, we find that we are much happier people than we were before. We can see the progress happen in terms of our own experience as well.

His Holiness always advises us not to look for your progress on a day-by-day basis, but observe over a period of one year, two years, or a longer period. Think about what you were like a year ago, two years ago, or five years ago, and you will really see the change. I think some of you have been practising longer than that and you can see the change in yourselves, and the people who live with you can see the change in you too. This is a very good feedback.

You begin initially with an understanding that is quite intellectual. Then you gain some experience, contemplate it again and again, and it becomes an understanding that is less intellectual and more experiential. It becomes an understanding that you really live by and have a lot of confidence in. You can observe the change in your mind in that way too.

When we first begin to practise we may say, “Is it really possible to get rid of the self-centred ego? I do not think that is possible.” As you practise and you start to apply the antidotes, you can see that you are making progress, and that gives you confidence based on your own experience. Your self-centred thoughts may not be completely gone, but they are certainly fewer than before. That is progress, and we should really rejoice about that.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!