July 7 : Idle Talk

Idle talk occurs when we are just jabbering for the sake of jabbering, on and on about inconsequential things that often are objects of attachment for us. Like sales and where to buy cheap things. Politics can devolve into that. Sports. Food. Talking about what this person does and that person does, just for the sake of talking about them, not for the sake of sharing information that may be helpful to share. Basically, using our speech to waste a lot of time.

Does this mean that every time we talk to somebody we need to have a serious, intimate, and meaningful discussion? No. When you work with people you want to foster a friendly feeling in your workplace, so often you chit-chat a little bit about this and that, just as a way of paying attention to each other, acknowledging each other’s presence, and sharing a little bit with the other person. That kind of communication is okay if we are aware that we are doing it and why we are doing it. Sometimes, we may first begin with the awareness that we are doing it and then it just devolves into continuous idle talk about so many unnecessary things, such as giving advice, opinions, and telling others what to do.

Sometimes you would wind up on the telephone with somebody who goes on and on, and it is hard to end the call even though you have something you need to do. Sometimes, people also write constant long emails and use them to chat. Likewise, for texting, people just use it for lots and lots of idle talk from what I have observed.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!