June 22 : Moving Towards Our Spiritual Goals

Knowing what we do not want to do is just half of the equation. We cannot go forward in the Dharma just based on knowing what we do not want to do. We have to know what we want to do. We must know something about the Three Jewels of Refuge, especially the Dharma refuge, which is the true path, and the true cessation. We must have some idea of what true cessation is, what nirvana is, what the path is and know the advantages of following the path, the advantages of attaining nirvana, and the benefits of generating bodhicitta. We should also know very clearly what we are heading for. Why do we want to understand the emptiness of inherent existence? Why do we want to generate bodhicitta? Why do we want to generate renunciation? We have to understand why and feel very strongly about it so that it is not just, “Hey I don’t want to do that. I want to do this. This is worthwhile. This is valuable.”

This aspiration to do something wonderful with our lives gives us a lot of energy and a lot of happiness. It is not just “I’m tired of drinking and drugging, what else is new?” What are the advantages of practising the Dharma? Where do we want to go by practising the Dharma?

Think deeply about this. If we do not, then we spend a lot of time on the enjoyment of the glories of this life. “The glories of this life” means chocolate cake. We all have our version of a chocolate cake. Of course, it does not literally mean chocolate cake. It means whatever it is that appeals to us. For one person, it might be sleeping 12 hours a day. For another, it might be food, beauty, sex, material goods, etc. We all have different things we are attached to, don’t we? Things we are sure to have little virtue in them.

There is no guarantee that we will get the happiness in this life even if we work very hard for it. But when we work for the goal of liberation, the rewards are endless.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!