October 26 : Three Non-Virtues of Body

The first non-virtue of body is killing, which is taking the life of another being. We have to be careful with this one because there are a lot of instances where we ask other people to kill for us, like when we hire an exterminator. These kinds of things create a very heavy negative karma.

Also, rejoicing at killing is certainly not anything virtuous. It may not be a complete action of killing, but if we read in the newspapers that so-and-so got killed, or they killed so many terrorists, and we think, “Fantastic!” or if we rejoice at capital punishment, we get some negative karma from it. Rejoicing in the negativities of others is not something good. It certainly plants the seed to enable us to do that in the future. Whatever we rejoice at, even if we have not done it, we are going to be open to doing later.

The second non-virtue of body is taking what has not been freely given to us. We usually think of robbery or burglary, but it is also borrowing something and keeping it for ourselves without intending to return it, not paying taxes or fees that we are supposed to pay.

If you take material from your workplace for your private use that was not offered to you by your boss, that is stealing, isn’t it? So is using other people’s credit cards or phone cards. It could involve cheating people, or lying and stealing. It is interesting how people fudge enough to take something that is not really theirs or lie to get something they want, thinking “Everybody does it. Nobody sees it as negative.” Except not everybody really does it, we just think they do. There are lots of ways we tell ourselves that this is actually mine and I deserve it.

The third non-virtue that we do physically is unwise and unkind sexual behaviour. This one is principally going outside of one’s relationship, or if you are not in a relationship going with somebody who is. This is quite damaging to families, to oneself, and to others. It includes any kind of sexual behaviour that is going to be damaging to others physically or mentally, like having a sexual relationship without taking care to prevent STDs. That is irresponsible sexuality. Or seeing other people as objects and sleeping with them for one’s own pleasure.

We need to abandon these things or do the opposite, like protecting life, protecting others’ possessions, and using sexuality wisely and kindly.

It is very helpful to do a little life review about these. When we have gotten involved in them ask, “What was my mental state? What did I think I was going to get out of doing this? How did I feel afterwards? What am I going to do if a similar situation comes in the future?” Instead of saying, “I’m bad because I do them.” This does not help much. We should explore and understand the mental states that lead us to get involved in these actions, and then see what other mental states we need to cultivate so that we do not continue acting in that way.

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