February 12 : Incredible Generosity

When those who want awakening must give even their body, there is no need to mention external things. Therefore, without hope for a return or any fruition, give generously. This is the practice of Bodhisattvas. 

It is recommended that we keep our body and use it to practise the Dharma before we have directly realised the emptiness of inherent existence at the Path of Seeing and above. That said, at some point along the path to awakening, we want to be able to relinquish everything — even our body — without any fear and attachment. If we are going to work with our mind to be able to relinquish our body one day, let us start with simple things that are easier to give away. 

We can see our miserliness coming up in all sorts of incredible ways — there may be something that we have not even thought about or used for years, but then when the opportunity comes to give it away, we cling to it and cannot let it go. It also emphasises giving without the expectation of getting something in return, whether physical or emotional and without hope for any kind of karmic fruition. At lower levels of the path, it is fine to be generous because we know we will be getting something in return in future lives, but we do not want to be attached to karmic fruition if we are practising as a Bodhisattva. We want to make sure that our giving is done with a bodhicitta motivation and within the context of our long-term spiritual aims. We give not just to benefit somebody, but also to create the merit that will ripen to propel us along the Bodhisattva path and attaining final Buddhahood for the benefit of all beings. There are many things we can give generously — material goods, time and service, protection to beings who are in danger, and encouragement and affection to those who need it. We can also give the Dharma by teaching, leading meditations, giving Dharma counselling, and sharing the Dharma in any way we can with others. 

“365 Gems of Wisdom” First Volume (January — March) e-book is out now!