April 8 : Harmonious Speech

If we have the correct view and correct intention (the first and second aspects of the Noble Eightfold Path), and when we come to correct speech, correct action, and correct livelihood, we will see that negative actions are antithetical to our own wholesome goals. Instead of seeing them as rules that we must follow otherwise we are going to get punished, the wish to abandon negative acts in the body, speech and mind become more earnest. It comes from within instead of feeling like there are regulations being imposed upon us. The whole Buddhist path has to be practised in this manner, in which we have that genuine view and aspiration to complete the path, not because we should, are obligated, or are supposed to, or somebody is going to think poorly of us if we do not.

A harmful action of speech is creating disharmony with our speech, which involves malicious gossip, talking behind people’s backs, or saying nasty things about one person to another person. We often do this to vent our anger or when we feel hurt about something somebody did. We talk to somebody else about it, not so much to work out our own emotions, but to get them on our side against the person who hurt us or the person who interfered with our happiness. We create a lot of factions amongst other people by using our speech to get them on our side. This often comes from hurt, anger or jealousy. With negative actions to be abandoned and wholesome ones to be practised, it is interesting to see when and which ones we perform more readily. Observe when and where we lie and create disharmony with our family and co-workers. Note the areas in which we tend to create more negative karma because that will help us clearly see where we need to be careful and pay special attention. Be very mindful.

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