June 24 : Avoiding the Trigger

When you have an afflictive emotion, stop and reflect, “What was it that triggered it?” You are always going to have the seed and inappropriate attention. Now, see what else comes in there. Very often it is a habit.

When we are exposed to the media, and we are not mindful, we absorb unquestioningly whatever we see in the media for how things are and how we should be. This becomes very dangerous.

If there are certain special objects that really tick you off, or really trigger an affliction, then do not look at the media which focuses on that object. For instance, if you have a lot of sexual energy and it is difficult, do not go to the movies and watch love stories. If you have a lot of violent energy, do not watch violent films and war movies. Be careful of what you expose yourself to.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!