June 25 : Be Happier with Less It

It is very good to look at our lives periodically and think about how we can be happier with less. This is especially true if everybody also has less since psychological studies have found that we judge our happiness and wealth in comparison to everyone else’s. So, if we all go down a notch together, everyone will still feel they have enough and nobody will get jealous or envious. By not consuming so much, we also become more creative in how we find entertainment, do more things with our family and friends, and help one another more by sharing and giving things away. In the process, we build stronger relationships that bring us much more happiness than filling our living spaces with a lot of stuff that we do not need or getting upset when we cannot get the next new thing. Instead of being fearful about the economy, we can be satisfied with what we have, which is so much more than what most people on this planet have. If we can get through our sometimes very thick skulls, we actually can be happier with less, we will have fewer problems and will be much more contented.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!