July 22 : Be Transparent

Be transparent and do not be defensive because everybody knows our faults anyway. When somebody gives you some feedback, listen. If what they say is right, say, “Thank you very much, I’m working on it.” There is no need to try and paint a pretty picture of, “Well I really didn’t mean this, and this got a little out of hand, and blah blah blah,” instead of just saying, “You’re right, I didn’t tell the complete truth.” Just say what it is and do not feel ashamed about it rather than try to justify and get defensive when everybody knows what happened anyway.

If others have a gross misunderstanding concerning you, by all means, correct that and give them the proper information. Transparency works very well for us psychologically rather than covering things up. If we broke a precept, there it is. Then we stop all this self-recrimination, guilt and shame that gets in the way of practice. It is important to confess and just say “Here it is,” instead of, “Well, I did that but it is really that person’s fault.” Let us own up to our mistakes but do not own what is not our responsibility.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!