August 5 : How Fortunate We Are

Even though today might be a cloudy day, when we look out of the window, it is still very beautiful. How fortunate we are to be here with this beauty of nature around us. More importantly, how fortunate we are to be here with a precious human life. Every morning when I look out of the window and I see the beauty, I always think of the inmates that I write to and visit. It makes me think just how a glance out of a window, that we take for granted, is something that would be ecstatic for them in the environment that they are living in.

Similarly, all the myriad sentient beings in the lower realms, all those who lack precious human lives in the upper realms, for them just to have one day of opportunity that we have to practise the Dharma would be miraculous for them. Let us really appreciate the opportunity that we have which is the result of our previous karma. When we see the beauty of nature around us, let us offer it to all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and all the sentient beings. When we see our fortune of having a precious human life, let us dedicate our time and energy to actualising the three principal aspects of the path in our minds, and to unite our minds with bodhicitta.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!