November 8 : One Day There, Next Day Gone

They tell the story of one disciple who said to his master, “Please give me a warning about my own death so I can prepare.” The master said, “Sure, I’ll do that.” As time went by the master got requests to do prayers for various people who had died, and so he told his disciple about each of those deaths and to make prayers for them. Eventually, the disciple got very ill and it became clear that he was terminal and going to die, and he said to the master, “I thought you were going to give me some warning about when I’m going to die.” The master said, “What do you think I was doing all those years telling you about all the other people who were dying?”

Here at the Abbey, we hear amazing stories of how people die totally unexpectedly. There was one family, whose son was 16 years old contacted us. His mom had just asked him what he wanted for dinner because she was going for take-out. Then somehow, we do not know how or what he died from, but by the time his mom got home with the meal, the boy had died. Can you imagine how his parents felt?

There are many, many stories like this. Two young women known by one of our friends were in Nepal during the earthquake. They were never heard from again even though their brothers went there and tried to find them.

Whenever we are asked to make prayers for somebody who died, we should really take it to heart that, “I might die in this same manner, too.” At some time or another people are going to be writing emails saying, “Please make prayers for ___,” using our name. “Please, Thubten Chodron just died, make prayers for her.” Somebody else will respond, “Yeah sure, put her on the prayer list.” In the evening, somebody will read out all the names, “Well, we’re dedicating for this person, this person, Thubten Chodron, blah blah blah [yawn].” That is how meaningful it is going to be to other people. But it is sure going to be meaningful to us, isn’t it? The people in your life are going to be gone one day. Find gladness in your heart and share it with everyone you meet. Then, when they are gone, you will have good memories instead of regrets.

“365 Gems of Wisdom” e-book is out now!