“唵嘛呢叭咪吽”线上念诵修持 Online Pledge of the Six-syllabled Sanskrit Mantra



On this upcoming Enlightenment Day of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, you are invited to make an online pledge to recite the Six-syllabled Sanskrit Mantra Chant.

This mantra carries the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas’ blessings and compassion, allowing anyone who chants this mantra to establish a connection with their true Buddha nature. The merits accumulated from chanting this mantra can be dedicated to all sentient beings, facilitating their liberation from suffering and enabling them to attain Nirvana.

May all beings be blessed with happiness, peace and joy!

Online Pledge Date

6 July — 1 August 2024 (农历六月初一至廿七)

Chanting Content

“Om Mani Padme Hum”

How to participate:


  1. 至光明山普觉禅寺网站: tinyurl.com/kmspledges 

    a. 填写修持者姓名
    b. 选择发愿念诵的次数:108、540 或1080遍

  3. 念观世音菩萨祈愿文—— 
    “ 南无大慈大悲观世音菩萨!”

    a. 祈愿修得精进资粮
    b. 祈愿避免冤亲加害
    c. 祈愿免受疫情传染
    d. 祈愿免置遇战争劫
    e. 祈愿除祸加福脱困
    f. 祈愿受持轻安自在
    g. 祈愿心康除病体健
    h. 祈愿常得善财富饶
    i. 祈愿离障难灭重业
    j. 祈愿离一切诸怖畏
    k. 祈愿成就一切善根
    l. 祈愿往生诸佛净土

  4. 念回向偈:

    愿以此功德    普及于一切
    我等与众生    皆共成佛道

  5. 圆满


How to participate?

  1. Visit tinyurl.com/kmspledges

  2. Submit:
    a. Name
    b. Pledge to chant: 108, 540, or 1080 times

  3. Recite the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Prayer

    I humbly wish to –
    a. Achieve Dharma bliss to enlighten the soul.
    b. Eliminate negative karma from karmic creditors.
    c. Be free from communicable diseases.
    d. Avoid war and unrest.
    e. Be blessed from misfortune.
    f. Live in faith, freedom, and peace.
    g. Be free from all manner of physical and mental illnesses.
    h. Be financially blessed to live well.
    i. Be free from all karmic obstructions.
    j. Be free from all fear and aggression.
    k. Achieve all roots of wholesomeness.
    l. Be reborn in Buddha’s Pure Land

  4. To complete the Online Pledge, recite the “Dedication of Merits” verse:

    By virtue of this meritorious act, may all sentient beings attain Buddhahood.

6849 5300 | sed@kmspks.org