观世音菩萨圣号 线上念诵修持 Online Pledge of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Name Chant




According to the Universal Gate Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, chanting the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in times of trials and suffering brings protection and deliverance from dangers of fires, floods, evil spirits, violence, and malevolence.

As we celebrate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Birth Day, we warmly invite you to join our online pledge. Let our collective prayers resonate with the Bodhisattva’s infinite compassion, sending out waves of healing and blessings to all sentient beings.

Together, let us infuse our lives with the light of wisdom and kindness, and may everyone experience a heart full of joy, peace and boundless blessings.

Online Pledge Period


28 February – 28 March 2025(农历二月初一至廿九)

Chanting Content


“Namo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa”

欢迎至 bit.ly/3ce97II 聆听观世音菩萨圣号。
Listen to the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s name chant on bit.ly/3ce97II.


 6849 5326 | sed@kmspks.org



How to participate


1) 至光明山普觉禅寺网站 tinyurl.com/kmspledges


a. 填写修持者姓名

b. 选择发愿念诵的次数 – 108,540 或1080遍

c. 完成念诵以后,念《向观世音菩萨祈愿文》:



一、 愿得一切福德寿命等自在。
二、 愿净化累世业障。
三、 愿断除无明、嗔恨、吝啬、嫉妒、我慢等诸烦恼根。
四、 愿一切凶事化除,诸事吉祥。
五、 愿除一切病痛、延年益寿。
六、 愿每日都具足六波罗密圆满功德(布施、精进、忍辱、持戒、 禅定、智  慧)。
七、 愿成就观世音菩萨之六种功德(身、口、意、福德、事业、功勋)。
八、 愿关闭六道门(天、人、阿修罗、地狱、饿鬼、旁生),打开极乐净土之门。
九、 愿一切地水火风等世间灾难消除。
十、 愿历代祖先皆得超生。
十一、 愿七世子孙也会受益。
十二、 愿究竟成就,得证佛果。

d. 最后,念《回向偈》圆满功德:
    愿以此功德    普及于一切
    我等与众生    皆共成佛道

1) Click on tinyurl.com/kmspledges

2) Submit:

a. Name

b. Pledge to chant: 108, 540, or 1080 times

c. After you have completed the pledge, please recite “A prayer to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva”:

“Namo Da Ci Da Bei Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa!”

I humbly wish for:

  1. A life of blessings, virtues, fulfilment, and bliss.
  2. Karmic hindrances accumulated from past unwholesome deeds to be eradicated.
  3. All unwholesome mental factors including ignorance, hatred, miserliness, envy, and pride to be eliminated.
  4. All matters in life to be propitious and all inauspicious matters to be resolved.
  5. A long life, free from illness and pain.
  6. Daily attainment of the six perfections – generosity, morality, patience, vigour, concentration, and wisdom.
  7. Attainment of the six virtues of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva – perfecting meritorious conduct, speech, mind, qualities, undertakings, and service
  8. Liberation from endless rebirths in the six realms and attaining rebirth in the Amitabha Buddha’s Western Pure Land.
  9. Natural disasters and other calamities in the world to be totally eradicated.
  10. Ancestors to be freed from realms of sufferings.
  11. These benefits to be also passed on to future generations of descendants.
  12. Ultimate realisation and attainment of Buddhahood.

d. To complete the Online Pledge of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Name Chant, recite the “Dedication of Merits” verse to dedicate the merits to your loved ones:

By virtue of this meritorious act, 
may all sentient beings attain Buddhahood.