Gallery 照片库 by kmspksweb | Oct 24, 2017 | Dharma Resources Alms Offering to the Sangha | 托钵暨供僧法会Photo Gallery2014 CountdownPhoto GalleryThe Grand Prayer that Blesses and Benefits All Sentient Beings | 法界圣凡冥阳两利水陆普度大斋胜会Photo GalleryKoi Ponds Consecration CeremonyPhoto GalleryMonkhood Novitiate Programme | 短期出家Photo GalleryUllambana | 盂兰盆节超度法会Photo GalleryMindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workshop (Mandarin)Photo GalleryVesak Celebrations | 卫塞庆典Photo GalleryHair For Hope | 散发希望 2013Photo GalleryQing Ming Festival 2013 | 清明节Photo GalleryPlum Village Retreat 2013Photo GalleryThe Relocation of Bright Hill Evergreen Home | 光明山修身院搬迁Photo GalleryCNY Appreciation Lunch for VolunteersPhoto GalleryBCS/MSC Groundbreaking CeremonyPhoto Gallery8 Precepts Retreat in Bodhgaya | 菩提迦耶八关斋戒Photo Gallery