Be A Volunteer 成为护法

Welcome to our big KMSPKS family! We look forward to working with you in your new role as a KMSPKS volunteer.

On this path to propagate the Dharma, to help others seek true happiness as well as to cultivate merits and wisdom, volunteers play a crucial role. At KMSPKS, we have a variety of volunteering opportunities for everyone. Be a volunteer at KMSPKS today! Email and join us as a volunteer. Let your unique talents and skills shine through here at KMSPKS as we serve the Triple Gem wholeheartedly.

所谓“未成佛道,先结人缘”,大乘佛教的修持以服务奉献、利益他人为宗旨。义工服务作为实践菩萨道的过程之 一,不仅可以广结善缘、培植福德,也有助于提升自我价值。

光明山普觉禅寺提供众多义工服务的机会,欢迎您加入光明山普觉禅寺的大家庭,与护法义工团队共同推广菩萨道,弘扬佛法、利益众生。请电邮至  加入我们的护法义工团队,让您的才能在此发光。


Becoming a Volunteer

  • Only open to all those above 16 years of age.
  • Prospective volunteers should email their name, contact number, preferred areas/assignments of volunteering, and specialised skills to
  • A short interview will be conducted by the Volunteer Department
  • All prospective volunteers are required to attend a volunteers training before starting.



  • 本寺只招收16岁以上的护法义工。
  • 请将您的名字、联系方式、兴趣、专长电邮至
  • 在正式成为护法义工前,需参与护法义工部的简短面试。
  • 完成面试以后,本寺将提供义工培训。



2024 Volunteer Training Programme 护法培训课程

新进护法培训课程 New Volunteer Training Course
(任选一日 Please choose a date)

  • 9 March 2024 (星期六 Saturday)
  • 13 April 2024 (星期六 Saturday)
  • 6 July 2024 (星期六 Saturday)
  • 28 September 2024 (星期六 Saturday)


护法培训进阶课程 Advanced Volunteer Training Course
(只限已参加过“新进护法培训课程”的义工 Only for volunteers who have completed the “New Volunteer Training Course)

  • 7 September 2024 (星期六 Saturday)


时间 Time: 8am to 5pm

地点 Venue: 宏船老和尚纪念堂,1楼课室  Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 1 Classrooms

线上报名 Online Registration:
(报名将于课程的一个月前开放  Open 1 month before training date)

询问 Enquiry: 6849 5318 |

Currently Recruiting 护法义工招募

Farming 园艺
  • Offer support in growing vegetables and assisting with packing.
  • Work collaboratively with the staff.
  • Available to commit on Mondays and Wednesdays, either from 9m to 11:30am or from 9am to 3pm.


  • 播种蔬菜与协助包装。
  • 须与员工配合。
  • 可在每周一和周三,9am 至 11:30am 或 9am 至 3pm 进行支援。
Cleaning Duties 清洁职责

The cleaning session takes place once a month, from 12:30pm to 3pm, specifically on the Sunday preceding the 27th day of the lunar calendar. The cleaning tasks involve the cleaning of the Buddha Statue and incense burners. 

每个月的清洁工作将在农历廿七前的星期日,12:30pm 至 3pm 进行。清洁任务包括擦佛像和整理香炉等工作。

Writer and Content Researcher 写作与资料蒐集

Craft content focused on Buddhism, children, or event announcements. Conduct interviews with speakers, such as venerable or other noteworthy personalities.

Note: Professional experience preferred.



Illustrator 插画师

Creating illustrations for children’s books or marketing collateral.


Proofreader 校对

Content proofreading and/or copy editing.

Note: Excellent command of English or Chinese language and attention to detail.



Community Engagement, Operations Support 社区活动支援

Support classes and workshops operations, such as attendance taking, ushering, setup and teardown

Note: Bilingual and able to support on weekends



Dharma Education, Events Support 佛学教育活动支援

Assist with operations, such as attendance taking, handouts distribution, and dinner


Dharma School, AV Support 少儿佛学班活动与影音支援

To Support Administration, Operations, And AV Support

Note: Requires Basic Computer Knowledge



Dharma School, Volunteer Teacher 少儿佛学班护法老师

Mentor and educate primary/secondary students on the teachings of the Buddha

Note: Requires basic Buddhism knowledge and basic computer knowledge. Fluent in both English and Chinese. Able to commit weekends



Media, Photography / Videography Support 摄影或录影支援

Note: Requires own camera equipment, video, and photo editing experience preferred


F&B, Kitchen Assistant 餐饮部厨房助理

To assist with meal preparation, i.e: cutting of vegetables

Note: Familiar with working in kitchen. Preference for holders of Food Hygiene Certificate


备注: 熟悉厨房工作,持有食品卫生证书者优先考虑

Gratitude Shop, Shop Assistant 修福轩销售助理

Assist in selling the donated items and operating the cashier machine


Gratitude Corner, Green Ambassador 修福站环保大使

Assist in sorting of items for recycling


Meditation Hall, Events Support 禅堂活动支援

Assist with operations, such as attendance taking, ushering, setup, and teardown


Spiritual Events, Events Support 弘法部活动支援

Assist with operations, such as ushering, registration, live streaming, setup, and teardown



Ullambana Pre-Setup (15th – 17th August 2024):

Ullambana Actual Day 18th August 2024 (Day Shift):

Ullambana Actual Day 18th August 2024 (Night Shift):


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