Awaken Issue 29 Lord Buddha is full of praise for gratitude (pg 70). It is a virtue of good persons (pg 71). A grateful person will experience harmony, peace, be remembered and loved. Let us express immense gratitude to the Triple Gem! Download pdf: 中文English Dharma ResourcesChannel 频道 Publication 中文刊物 Children Series 儿童系列 Awaken Magazine 普觉杂志 Publication Q&A 出版答问 Book ReleasePublicationDecember 4, 2024Reflections From The Quiet Mind 静心反思Meditation is a training that involves exploring one’s inner world, discovering oneself, grasping the nature of life and developing wisdom. Through persistent, long-term practice, and after accumulating enough training hours quantitatively, our lives will transform qualitatively, with promising effects and benefits beyond words or thoughts. 静坐是一种心的锻炼, 更是一叶通往智慧的舟筏,它引领我们驶向内心深处,发现真正的自我,了悟生死与当下。通过持之以恒的修习,静心反思每个瞬间,我们的生活也将在 沉淀中绽放喜悦。 Download pdf:... Read more...