Awaken Magazine 普觉杂志 by kmspksweb | Nov 20, 2017 | Dharma Resources Awaken 普觉 Issue 61December 31, 2024May the new year bless us with courage and resilience, guiding us on our path of self-improvement and enabling us to show kindness to all sentient beings. 愿新的一年赐予我们勇气与韧性,照亮精进成长的道路,让慈悲之心惠及一切有情众生。... Read more...Awaken 普觉 Issue 60September 3, 2024As the year draws to a close, we invite you to explore the power of wisdom, mindfulness, and compassion, turning every encounter into an opportunity for growth. 年末将至,邀请您一同探索智慧、正念与慈悲的力量,将每一次际遇化为成长的契机。... Read more...Awaken 普觉 Issue 59April 30, 2024This Vesak, may the boundless blessings of the Buddha illuminate our path and guide us with compassion towards peace and happiness. 这个卫塞节,祈愿佛陀慈光普照十方法界众生,祝各位福慧增长,法喜充满!... Read more...Awaken 普觉 Issue 58January 4, 2024May the coming year bring opportunities for growth, moments of happiness, and the fulfilment of our aspirations. Here’s to a New Year filled with abundant blessings for all. 愿来年亦如今夕,各位都有获得喜悦、幸福和个人成长的新机会,一切所求皆如愿。祝愿各位在新的一年里福慧圆满,新年快乐!... Read more...Awaken 普觉 Issue 57September 4, 2023May our inner transformation positively impact the lives of those around us, and through our words, actions and mindful consumption, may we contribute to the well-being and happiness of all beings and the preservation of our precious Mother Earth. 希望大家都能从个人心性的蜕变开始做起,积极地影响身边的每一位。以言传身教的方式传递正心、正念、正行,贯彻仁爱与和平,守护环境大地,由自心的蜕变,迈向大同的社会与世界。... Read more...Awaken 普觉 Issue 56May 11, 2023Life is a journey of continuous growth, change, and adaptation. To fully appreciate the impermanence of life, we must learn to cherish the gifts and lessons that each stage offers, and live each day with love, gratitude, compassion, and mindfulness. 人生是一段不断成长、变化和适应的生命旅程。为了充分领略人生的无常,我们必须学会重视及珍惜不同阶段的生命所带来的礼物与跌宕。用爱、感恩、慈悲与正念积极的享受每个当下。... Read more...普觉 Issue 55December 16, 2022如果我们能有此醒悟,那我们就能以正能量、坚韧和勇气面对不断变化的世界。... Read more...Awaken Issue 55December 16, 2022All the seeds we have planted in our minds, good or bad, will sprout when the conditions are ripe. So let us consciously spread the good and wholesome in the New Year of 2023! May the minds of all beings become more positive and uplifted, even in the most trying circumstances! Let us proactively diffuse the soothing fragrance of kindness and sprout seeds of goodwill. May the lineage of the Triple Gem continue uninterrupted!... Read more...普觉 Issue 54August 31, 2022当我们誓愿为大众减轻痛苦的意念远远超过对自己本身痛苦的关注时,我们的心就能够无穷无尽地海纳一切。... Read more...Awaken Issue 54August 30, 2022When our purpose and aspiration to relieve the pain and suffering of others is far greater than our own suffering, our heart will be able to powerfully encompass everything. No matter what kind of challenging dire situation we may face in life — personal mental issues like anxiety or depression, or global ones like food supply, climate change, environmental issues, etc. — as long as we individually set our intentions clearly to answer the greater calling to benefit others, step by step we can come together collectively to play our part to overcome and transcend all the challenges that come along our way. With open curiosity and strong awareness, through studying, contemplation and meditation, we can find all truth in ourselves via experiential realisation, not on a conceptual level but one which arises from a deep self-awareness gained through a personal and direct experience. When one is able to realise this thruth experientially, one will then have access to the true power and wisdom of transcendental knowledge. May all beings have a spiritually enlightening Vesak in 2022.... Read more...普觉 Issue 53May 9, 2022当前的疫情局势已缓慢而逐渐地恢复至一种新的常态及生活形式。防疫措施正逐步 被放宽,各国边境也开始开放。有些国家甚至已全面除去戒备,允许未接钟疫苗的旅客入境,并废除戴口罩等防疫措施。人们经历过这场全球性的疫情后,观念都有了改变。 通过自我反省和内观禅修,更 了解了自己和自身的恐惧。更多的人开始明白观照自己内心和思考人生的重要意义,并领悟到心灵的修养对拥 有更充实、更有意义的人生的关键作用,尤其是面对灾难降临的时刻。 卫塞节即将来临,祝愿大家都有所觉悟,并获得心灵上丰硕的果实。... Read more...Awaken Issue 53May 9, 2022Since time immemorial, sages, saints and enlightened ones have taught us that “knowledge is power”. And the most powerful knowledge comes from the wisdom of realising one’s true nature. This is the goal and purpose of all religions and spiritual traditions. With open curiosity and strong awareness, through studying, contemplation and meditation, we can find all truth in ourselves via experiential realisation, not on a conceptual level but one which arises from a deep self-awareness gained through a personal and direct experience. When one is able to realise this thruth experientially, one will then have access to the true power and wisdom of transcendental knowledge. May all beings have a spiritually enlightening Vesak in 2022.... Read more...