Exploring Buddhism and Science This book, consisting of 21 essays, explores the encounters of Buddhism and science from the Scientific Revolution to the “Mindful Revolution.” Find out the relations between mindfulness meditation to neuroscience and psychotherapy. Download: pdf Dharma ResourcesChannel 频道 Publication 中文刊物 Children Series 儿童系列 Awaken Magazine 普觉杂志 Publication Q&A 出版答问 Book ReleasePublicationDecember 4, 2024Reflections From The Quiet Mind 静心反思Meditation is a training that involves exploring one’s inner world, discovering oneself, grasping the nature of life and developing wisdom. Through persistent, long-term practice, and after accumulating enough training hours quantitatively, our lives will transform qualitatively, with promising effects and benefits beyond words or thoughts. 静坐是一种心的锻炼, 更是一叶通往智慧的舟筏,它引领我们驶向内心深处,发现真正的自我,了悟生死与当下。通过持之以恒的修习,静心反思每个瞬间,我们的生活也将在 沉淀中绽放喜悦。 Download pdf:... Read more...