地藏追思报恩法会 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Puja

地藏法会  因缘难遇  悲心宏愿  至诚感通  诸佛加被  龙天齐护  
悉令众生  愿满离苦  闻法修行  福慧增长  消宿现业  同登极乐


In the upcoming seventh lunar month, Kong Meng Sang Phor Kark See Monastery will be organising a nine-day Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Puja to commemorate the birthday of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Led by esteemed Venerables, this puja will revolve around the recitation of “The Original Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra”. Together, we will pray for global harmony, the well-being of individuals, the liberation of our ancestors, and the prosperity of our present family.

日期 Date:4 — 12 August 2024(农历七月初一至初九)
时间 Time:8pm — 9.30pm
地点 Venue:大悲殿 Hall of Great Compassion

备注 Note: 欢迎信众莅临现场参与法会(无需报名)
                  Devotees are welcome to attend the puja. No registration is required.

询问 Enquiry:6849 5300, 6849 5326 | sed@kmspks.org