药师佛圣号线上念诵修持 Online Pledge of Medicine Buddha’s Name Chant



The Medicine Buddha is the supreme healer that made 12 great vows to protect all sentient beings. Those who honour him shall overcome all sickness and suffering. In celebration of the Medicine Buddha’s Birth Day, we invite you to join us in the online pledge to chant the Medicine Buddha’s name. When one who recites “Namo Xiaozai Yanshou Yao Shi Fo” with a sincere and pious heart, infinite merits and boundless blessings are bestowed upon them.

Visit our website to submit your recitation count as we collectively pray for the alleviation suffering and dedicate these merits to our loved ones.

May everyone be blessed with happiness, peace and good health!


Chanting Content:

“Namo Xiaozai Yanshou Yao Shi Fo”

聆听药师佛号。 Listen to Medicine Buddha’s name chant.




3 to 31 October 2024



6849 5300 | sed@kmspks.org

1) 点击递交“南无消灾延寿药师佛”念诵计数。

a. 填写修持者姓名
b. 选择发愿念诵的次数 – 108、540 或1080遍
c. 完成佛号念诵以后,念《向药师如来祈愿文》:



d. 最后,念《回向偈》圆满功德:


1) Click to pledge your Medicine Buddha’s name chanting count.

2) Submit:

a. Name
b. Pledge to chant: 108, 540, or 1080 times
c. After you have completed the pledge, please recite the following prayer to Medicine Buddha:

“To the great, compassionate Medicine Buddha!

I pray to you to bestow your blessings upon us:

For the attainment of world peace and prosperity of our country.

For the stability, good health, blissfulness and auspiciousness of our fellow citizens.

May all man-made calamities and natural disasters vanish completely.

The pandemic can be eliminated from the face of the Earth.

All beings who are suffering from illness and pain find healing and relief and may the helpless receive assistance and the poor be supported.

May our society thrive in abundance.

May all our sufferings and affiliations be eliminated and be replaced by good health and blissfulness.

May our parents, family, relatives and friends enjoy long lives and good health.

May we find the strength to repent for our past unwholesome actions and be free from the adversities we face and may we be blessed with wisdom and compassion.”

d. To complete the Online Pledge of the Medicine Buddha’s Name Chant, recite the “Dedication of Merits” verse to transfer the merits to your loved ones:

May the merit and virtues
accrued from this work,
Adorn the Buddha’s Pure Land,
Repaying the four kinds
of kindness above,
and relieving the sufferings of
those on the Three Paths below.

May those who see and hear of this,
And all sentient beings in the Dharma Realm,
All develop the Bodhi Mind,
And live the Teachings for
the rest of this life,
Then be born together in
The Land of Ultimate Bliss.