2025 托钵暨供僧法会 Alms and Sangha Offering
《佛说布施经》云:“供养三宝可得五种利益:身相端庄、气力增盛、寿命延长、快乐安稳、成就辩才。” 配合一年一度的元旦,本寺特别推出供僧礼盒,让信众在新的一年以清净心供僧,广植福田、六时吉祥。
According to the Sutra of Generosity, offering to the Triple Gem cultivates virtues such as beauty, strength, longevity, happiness, and eloquence. Offering alms to the Sangha not only generates positive merit, it also supports the monastics in the learning, practice and sharing of the Buddha’s wisdom.
Embrace the joy of giving and immerse yourself in the blessings of this meaningful occasion!
日期 Date: 1 January 2025 (星期三 Wednesday)
时间 Time: 8am to noon | 上午8时至中午12时
活动 Activities | 时间 Time | 地点 Venue |
托钵 Alms Offering | 8am — 10am | 大悲殿 Hall Of Great Compassion |
供僧 Sangha Offering |
上午11时30分至中午12时 11.30am to noon |
宏船老和尚纪念堂,2楼,斋堂 |
询问 Enquiry: 6849 5333
供僧礼盒 Package |
价格 Price |
索取礼盒时间 Redemption time |
索取礼盒地点 Redemption venue |
食品及药物 **名额已满**
Bountiful Harvest Package **Fully Registered** Food and medication |
$60 | 6.30am — 9am | 1) 新加坡佛学院,1楼,室内羽毛球场
Buddhist College of Singapore, Level 1, Indoor Badminton Court
2) 宏船老和尚纪念堂,1楼(面向新加坡佛学院)
Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 1 (facing Buddhist College of Singapore) |
行李箱及御寒衣物 **名额已满**
Boundless Wisdom Package **Fully Registered** Luggage Bag and Sweater |
$188 | 9am — 10.30am | 宏船老和尚纪念堂,2 楼,斋堂 Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 2, Dining Hall |
僧众所需之日常用品 **名额已满**
Abundance Prosperity Package **Fully Registered** Daily necessities |
$388 | 9am — 10.30am | 宏船老和尚纪念堂,2 楼,斋堂 Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 2, Dining Hall |
While stocks last.
报名 To register:
2) 柜台报名 In-person registration: 光明山普觉禅寺寺务处 Front Office | 8.30am — 4.30pm
- 请于活动当日凭收据或电邮到指定地点索取预购的礼盒。
- 法会当日如欲供养现金,请至寺务处捐款。所有善款将用于资助新加坡佛学院的运作。
- Please present the official receipt or email confirmation to redeem your packages at the designated time and venue.
- If you would like to make a monetary donation during the Offering, kindly proceed to the Front Office. All donations will go towards the Buddhist College of Singapore.
询问 Enquiry: 6849 5333