卫塞佛光普照吉祥灯 Vesak Auspicious Lantern








Light a lantern this Vesak and spread universal brightness across the world.

May the Buddha’s light illuminate the path to wisdom, peace and happiness for all sentient beings.

*** 报名已额满 Fully Registered ***

亮灯日期 Lantern Lighting Dates: 15 — 23 May 2024

吉祥灯类别 Lantern Categories:
公司宝号/合家 Company/Family 
每盏$338 (挂于光明殿) 
$338 per lantern (Displayed at the Hall of Universal Brightness)

合家/个人 Family/Individual
每盏 $50 (挂于大悲殿)
$50 per lantern (Displayed at the Hall of Great Compassion)

报名 To Register:
1. 柜台报名 In-person Registration: 光明山普觉禅寺寺务处KMSPKS Front Office | 9am to 4pm

2. 线上报名 Online Registrationbit.ly/kmslantern

报名日期 Registration Period:28 March to 10 May 2024 (额满为止 or until fully registered)

询问详情 Enquiry:6849 5326 | sed@kmspks.org

礼拜千佛 —— 卫塞佛光普照吉祥灯功德主祈福法会

Thousand Buddhas Repentance Puja: A blessing session for donors of the Vesak Auspicious Lanterns

日期 Date:
2024年5月22日 (卫塞节) | 农历四月十五
                  22 May 2024

时间 Time: 8.30am — 4pm

地点 Venue: 大悲殿
                     Hall of Great Compassion 

*无需报名 No registration required


  1. 世界和平、灾疫永熄。
  2. 大同世界、政廉民安。
  3. 国富利民、经贸繁盛。
  4. 四季平安、风调雨顺。
  5. 父母亲友健康长寿。
  6. 家庭祥和、幸福安康。
  7. 生活安稳、丰衣足食。
  8. 学业有成、金榜题名。
  9. 工作顺利、步步高升。
  10. 事业发达、财源广进。
  11. 消灾福至、身心安乐。
  12. 清净业障、福慧双修。
  13. 视力良好如摩尼珠,能照微细物。
  14. 相貌庄严、具备善根和智慧。
  15. 心地清明、少为愚痴所转。


Let us pray for:

  1. World peace, free of calamities and epidemics.
  2. A united world, governed with integrity and ensuring safety for all.
  3. A nation prospering with vibrant trade and a thriving economy.
  4. Peaceful seasons with favourable weather.
  5. Good health and longevity for our loved ones.
  6. Harmony, happiness and well-being within our families.
  7. Stability in life with access to sufficient food and clothing.
  8. Academic success and achievement.
  9. Smooth career progression and continuous advancement.
  10. Flourishing career and abundant wealth.
  11. Relief from disasters, accompanied by blessings, inner peace and joy.
  12. Purification of karmic hindrances and cultivation of blessings and wisdom.
  13. Clear vision, discerning even the smallest details.
  14. Dignified appearance, endowed with virtue and wisdom.
  15. Clarity of mind, free from ignorance and delusion.