Ullambana Festival 盂兰盆节



Ullambana is a day for paying respect and gratitude to ancestors as well as expressing compassion and love for all beings suffering in this world. The observance of Ullambana is on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month. The origin of Ullambana can be traced back to the account of Venerable Maudgalyayana, a disciple of Buddha, who discovered through his meditative powers that his mother was reborn as a hungry ghost. Buddha advised him to make offerings to the Sangha; the merits would help relieve the suffering of his mother and other beings in the realms of misery.

Participate in our yearly Ullambana Puja to express gratitude to deceased loved ones as well as to liberate the sufferings of sentient beings in the three lower realms.

盂兰盆节超度法会 Ullambana Festival Puja 

日期 Date: 18 Aug 2024 (星期日 Sunday)
时间 Time: 8.20am
地点 Venue: 无相殿 | Hall of No Form 

盂兰盆节法会超荐牌位 Registration of Tablets

登记日期 Registration opens: 2024年6月20日起 | 20 June 2024 onwards
登记类别 Registration Categories:

报名登记 Registration:

  • 线上报名 Online Registration :enets.kmspks.org/New/ullambana(可登记 $50 与 $100 的荐牌)
  • 寺务处 Front Office | 9am – 4pm(可登记 $50、$100 及 $280 的荐牌)

询问 Enquiry: 
6849 5333

Prayer offerings will be distributed after the puja. Uncollected prayer offerings will be donated to charity homes.



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