Bright Youth Centre is Now Open! 光明青年中心现已开放!

Step into a lively hub where youths sparkle, grow in Buddhist wisdom, and build meaningful spiritual connections. 欢迎莅临这个充满活力的空间,徜徉于佛教的智慧当中,与光明青年一同探索佛学,快乐学佛!

Welcome to Bright Youth Centre, situated on the first level of the Prajna Meditation Hall. This is your cosy corner to relax in a reading nook, study in a conducive environment, participate in enriching activities, and build new friendships within the Dharma community. Don’t miss out— come and make the most of what we have to offer! 光明青年中心(Bright Youth Centre), 坐落于般若禅堂一楼,是一个温馨宜人的空间。在这里,您可以在舒适的阅读区沉浸于书海,在静谧的环境中汲取知识,同时参与丰富多彩的活动,结交比手机屏幕更有趣的朋友。欢迎前来享受这个美好的空间!

Opening Hours 开放时间: Saturday and Sunday 星期六与星期日, 10.00am – 4.30pm 上午10时至下午4时30分
Note 注意: The centre will be closed during activities or events on-site. 寺院活动期间,光明青年中心将不对外开放。

Visit us today! 欢迎前来参观!


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