KMSPKS Vesak Day Photography Competition 2023
2023 光明山普觉禅寺摄影竞赛

Terms and Conditions 参赛条款与条件
KMSPKS Vesak Day Photography Competition 2023 (“Contest”)
Terms and Conditions
1.1. The Contest is open to all individuals (individually, a “Participant” and, collectively, the “Participants”), except for:
1.1.1. employees of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (“KMSPKS” or the “Organiser”) and any other persons involved in organising, promoting and/or conducting the Contest.
1.1.2. Immediate family members (spouses, children, parents, parents-in-law and siblings) of employees of KMSPKS
1.1.3. any other person whose participation in and/or association with the Contest is, for any reason, prohibited by KMSPKS
1.2. The Organiser reserves the right in its sole discretion and without having to provide a reason, to disallow or disqualify any participant from participating in the Contest.
1.3. The contest is open for submission of entries from 0001 hours on May 19, 2023 to 2359 hours on June 19, 2023 (all timings in Singapore Time) (“Submission Period”).
1.4. Entries that are submitted outside of the Submission Period will not be accepted.
1.5. A valid entry for the contest must fulfil the following conditions:
1.5.1. The photographs submitted must be based on an original photograph and the Participant shall be deemed the sole and exclusive owner of such entry.
1.5.2. All information to be provided by the Participant in accordance with the Terms and Conditions hereunder must be true, complete and accurate.
1.5.3. The use of a photo from other sources/people is not allowed and will lead to disqualification from the Contest.
1.5.4. The Participant must submit their Photographs via within the Submission Period, together with the information below: Full Name (as per NRIC) Contact details (email and mobile number) Entry photographs must be in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300dpi and size 2480px X 3508px (the standard colour spare for the judging process is sRGB). Each photograph should be clearly labelled with last name, and first name. The file name should include an “_” between each of the items: lastname_firstname.jpg.
1.6. Each Participant shall only be allowed to win one (1) prize. There is no limit to the number of photo submissions a Participant may submit; however, only one prize will be awarded. The more photos you submit, the more chances you have.
1.7. Minor edits of the photographs are allowed, e.g. for brightness and contrast. Participants warrant that the enhancements are made via the use of legally acquired software.
1.8. Photographs shall be in colour or monotone and shall not include watermarks, borders and/or signatures.
1.9. Drawings and/or graphic illustrations and/or additions to the photographs shall not be accepted as valid entries.
1.10. Blurry photos, low-quality images, or photos that are deemed obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, do not positively reflect Buddhism or the monastery, will or otherwise violate any laws are strictly prohibited and shall be immediately disqualified.
1.11. By submitting a photograph entry, the Participant agrees to and/or makes the following representations and/or warranties to the Organiser:
1.11.1. The entry is original, and they are the sole owner of the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the entry;
1.11.2. The entry has not been used for commercial purposes, published previously or submitted for other contests, locally or abroad;
1.11.3. Any Participant may be credited by the Organiser in any use of such Participant’s entry, and may disclose the Participant’s name for publicity purposes;
1.11.4. If the entry is selected as a winning entry, the Participant agrees to cooperate and participate in publicity activities (including photographs, videos or interviews) if required by the Organiser; and
1.11.5. The Participant confirms that they are not in violation of any law or regulations by entering the Contest.
1.12. An entry that does not follow the rules will automatically be disqualified.
1.13. The result of the contest will be concluded after a judging process by a panel of judges appointed by KMSPKS.
1.14. The Organiser’ decision on all matters pertaining to the Contest (including the selection of winners) is final, conclusive and binding on all participants. No appeal relating to the Contest will be entertained.
1.15. Winners will be notified by email only. If the Organiser is unable to contact the participants or the participants do not respond within one week, the Organiser reserves the right to offer the place to another Participant.
1.16. The Organiser assumes no liability or responsibility whatsoever in respect of any defect, deficiency or variation of the prize or any part thereof. If an advertised prize is not available, the Organiser reserves the right to offer an alternative prize without giving notice.
1.17. The closing date is as specified, and the Organiser reserves the right to amend the closing date at any time.
1.18. The Organiser shall have the right, at its sole discretion and at any time, to change or modify these terms and conditions.
1.19. The Organiser reserves the right in its sole discretion to cancel the Contest if circumstances arise beyond its control.
2.1. The Organiser reserves the right to request that the winners submit their original high-resolution photos via email for publicity purposes.
2.2. Pending the submissions of the high-resolution photos, the Organiser shall be entitled to delay or withhold the prizes from the winners. The Organiser further reserves the right to offer the prize to another Participant if the photos are not submitted within a reasonable time upon request.
2.3. By submitting an entry to the contest, the participant grants permission to KMSPKS to have royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, publish, and display the submissions in whole or in part and to incorporate it into other works any KMSPKS anthologies, promotional materials, marketing uses, collateral, newsletters, or electronic formats (online, apps, etc) and on other media and technology now known or later developed without any payment or permission.
2.4. Participants further consent to the collection, use and processing of their personal data (such as their names and their social media profile handles) for administering the Contest and for promotional, marketing and publicity purposes relating to the Contest.
2.5. Any photograph reproduced may include the photographer credit in a format to be decided by KMSPKS, at its sole discretion.
3.1. Participation in the Contest will require the collection, use, processing, and disclosure of your personal data (such as the full name mobile number and contact details during registration). By participating in Contest, Participants are deemed to have consented to the Organiser’s collection, use and disclosure of their personal data (to the Organiser’s subsidiaries, affiliates, service providers, agents, partners and vendors where required) for the purposes of conducting and administering the Contest in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012, and the monastery’s privacy policy, which is available at:
3.2. Participants represent and warrant that their personal data disclosed to the Organiser is true, complete and accurate. Participants agree that the Organiser shall not be held liable and Participants shall fully indemnify the Organiser for any false, incorrect or inaccurate personal data provided.
3.3. Any third parties appearing in the submission have given the Participant appropriate consent to be photographed and used as permitted. Participants submitting any photograph hereby acknowledge that they have the necessary permission or consent of any recognisable locations or people appearing in their photograph(s). Such permission is hereby granted to KMSPKS to publish and use as needed. Participant shall indemnify the Organiser for any losses or damages suffered by the Organiser as a result of any unauthorised disclosure of personal data of any third parties.
3.4. To promote and advertise the Contest, the Organiser reserves the right to engage authorised photographers and videographers to take photographs and/or video recordings. By participating in the Contest, Participants consent to being photographed and recorded by authorised photographers and videographers and consent to the Organiser’s use of such images, films, or recordings for creating marketing and publicity materials for public transmission.
4.1. Each Participant hereby declares that their submission will not in any way infringe any rights (including, without limitation any intellectual property rights) of any and all third parties. KMSPKS and its affiliates cannot and will not accept any legal responsibility or liability for any infringement of any such third-party rights.
4.2. The Organiser makes no representations, warranties, or undertakings whatsoever, whether express or implied, with respect or incidental to the Contest.
4.3. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Organiser shall not be liable to any Participant for any damages, losses, costs or expenses or liabilities suffered or incurred by the Participant arising out of or in connection with his or her participation in the Contest.
4.4. The Participant (including his or her heirs, parents, legal guardians, executors, trustees, assignees and/or administrators) shall defend and hold the Organiser, its officers, employees, vendors and agents harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, losses, costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis and/ or reasonable solicitor’s fees) and expenses whatsoever and howsoever arising from any claims, demands, actions, proceedings, recoveries, judgment or execution which the Organiser, its officers, employees, vendors or agents, may suffer or incur by, from or in connection with the Participant’s participation in the Contest.
4.5. The Participant (including his or her heirs, parents, legal guardians, executors, trustees, assignees and/or administrators) further agrees to indemnify the Organiser for any and all damages, losses, costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis and/or reasonable solicitor’s fees) and any expenses whatsoever and howsoever arising from the Participant’s breach of any of the representations and/or warranties hereunder, in particular Clause 1.11.
4.6. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions with any other terms and conditions found in any form of publicity collaterals relating to the Contest, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
4.7. The Contest and these Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore and all Participants agree to irrevocably submit themselves to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts in the determination of any matter or dispute arising in connection therewith.
4.8. These Terms and Conditions are not intended to confer rights to any third party under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap. 53B) to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions, and the operation of the said Act is hereby excluded.
- 参赛注意事项
1.1. 此摄影比赛开放给所有人参赛,唯下列人员除外:
1.1.1. 光明山普觉禅寺(“本寺”或“主办单位”)的员工及参与推广、策划此摄影比赛的相关人员。
1.1.2. 本寺员工的直系亲属(配偶、子女、父母、岳父母或兄弟姐妹)。
1.1.3. 因任何原因被主办单位禁止参赛的相关人员。
1.2. 主办单位保留在无须提供理由的情况下禁止或取消报名者参赛资格的权利。
1.3. 参赛作品提交时间为2023年5月19日0001时至2023年6月19日2359时(新加坡时间)。
1.4. 超过期限提交的参赛作品将不被接纳。
1.5. 有效的参赛作品必须满足以下条件:
1.5.1 提交的照片必须由参赛者拍摄,照片版权须为参赛者所独有。
1.5.2 参赛者依据参赛条规所提供的信息必须真实、完整和准确。
1.5.3 严禁使用其他作者或来源的作品参赛,否则将被取消参赛资格。
1.5.1参赛者必须在期限内通过kmspks.org提交参赛作品,同时提供以下信息: 全名(根据身份证)。 联系方式(电子邮件和手机号码)。 参赛作品必须是JPG格式,最小分辨率为300dpi,档案大小2480px X 3508px(评选过程的色彩标准为sRGB)。 每张照片应清楚标示姓氏和名字,且每个项目之间应包含“_”,如:姓氏_名字.jpg。
1.6. 每位参赛者只允许获得一个奖项。参赛者可以不限次数地提交照片;然而,每位参赛者只有一个获奖机会。提交的照片越多,获奖的机会就越大。
1.7. 参赛者可以对照片进行基础后制,例如调整亮度和对比度,并保证后制是经由合法的软件进行。
1.8. 参赛作品可以是彩色或单色,但不得包含浮水印、边框或签名。
1.9. 参赛作品不可涵盖任何绘画、图形或照片的合成。
1.10. 模糊、低质量或被带有淫秽、粗俗、性取向、仇恨、威胁、对佛教或寺院有负面影响或违背法律等元素的照片均被严格禁止,一经发现,参赛资格将被立即取消。
1.11. 参赛者提交照片作品后,即表示同意遵守以下条例:
1.11.1. 作品必须是原创的,参赛者是作品版权和所有知识产权的唯一拥有者;
1.11.2. 参赛作品必须未被用于商业目的,未曾在国内外发布或用于其他比赛;
1.11.3. 主办单位在使用参赛者作品时可以注明参赛者的姓名,同时可为宣传目的公开参赛者的姓名;
1.11.4. 如果参赛作品被选为入围作品,参赛者须在必要时同意配合参与主办单位的宣传活动(包括拍照、录像或采访);
1.11.5. 参赛者须确保其参赛并不违反任何法律条规。
1.12. 不符合规则或类别的作品将被取消参赛资格。
1.13. 比赛结果将在由光明山普觉禅寺特定的评审小组评选之后得出结论。
1.14. 比赛的相关条规(包括获奖者的入围)为主办单位的最终决定,不接受任何相关的上诉。
1.15. 入围者将通过电邮接获获奖通知,如果无法联系上参赛者或参赛者在一周内没有答复,主办单位保留将奖品提供给其他参赛者的权利。
1.16. 主办单位不对奖品的缺陷或损坏承担任何的责任。若奖品缺货,主办单位保留在不提前通知参赛者的情况下替换奖品的权利。
1.17. 参赛截止日期将按规定执行。主办单位保留更改截止日期的权利。
1.18. 主办单位有权决定随时修改参赛条规。
1.19. 如果发生无法预期的情况,主办单位将保留取消比赛的权利。
- 获胜作品的使用规定
2.1. 主办单位有权要求入围者通过电子邮件提交原始高分辨率的照片以用作宣传目的。
2.2. 如参赛者未在合理的时间内提交高分辨率的照片,主办单位保留延迟颁发奖品给入围者或将奖品授予给其他参赛者的权利。
2.3. 通过提交作品参赛,参赛者授权主办单位在未经许可及无须付版权费用的情况下使用该作品,允许复制、出版、展示作品的全部或部分内容,并将其纳入其他用途中,如寺院的文宣、营销、协议、通讯或电子格式(线上使用及应用程序等),以及在现有或后期开发的其他媒体和技术上。
2.4. 参赛者同意让主办单位使用其个人资料(如姓名和社交媒体资料)用作筹划、营销及宣传摄影比赛的用途。
2.5. 在使用参赛作品时,主办单位有权决定作者的署名方式及格式。
- 个人资料和隐私
3.1. 主办单位须收集、使用、处理及披露参赛者的个人资料(例如在注册时提供的全名、手机号码和联系方式)。报名比赛即被视为同意主办单位根据《2012年个人资料保护法》和寺院的隐私政策收集、使用及披露参赛者的个人资料(必要时向主办单位的子公司、附属机构、服务提供商、代理人、合作伙伴和供应商披露)以用作摄影比赛的筹划用途。参考政策
3.2. 参赛者声明并保证其向主办单位披露的个人资料真实、完整和准确。若所提供的资料虚假及不正确,参赛者同意承担全额赔偿,主办单位将不承担任何责任。
3.3. 参赛作品中出现的任何第三方均已同意参赛者拍摄和使用照片。提交照片即表示参赛者已获得照片中人物或地点的拍摄及使用许可,并授权本寺发布及使用的权限。任何因未经授权披露的第三方个人资料,造成主办单位的任何损失将由参赛者承担赔偿。
3.4. 为宣传比赛,主办单位保留聘请授权摄影师和摄像师进行照或录像的权利。通过参加比赛,参赛者同意被拍摄或录影,且同意主办单位使用这些图像或影片作为文宣用途。
- 责任与赔偿
4.1. 参赛者在此声明提交的作品不会以任何方式侵犯第三方的权利(不限于任何知识产权)。 主办单位及其附属机构不对第三方的侵权行为承担任何的法律责任。
4.2. 主办单位对比赛不作任何明示或暗示的陈述、保证或承诺。
4.3. 在法律允许的最大范围内,主办单位对于参赛者因参与比赛而遭受的任何损伤、损失、费用或支出等不承担任何责任。
4.4. 参赛者(包括其继承人、父母、法定监护人、遗嘱执行人、受托人、受让人或管理员)应保护并使主办单位、管理层、员工、供应商和代理商免受任何因比赛而索赔、要求、诉讼、程序、追偿、判决或执行而产生的任何责任、损害、损失、费用(包括全额赔偿的法律费用或基础律师费用)。
4.5. 参赛者(包括其继承人、父母、法定监护人、遗嘱执行人、受托人、受让人或管理人)同意赔偿主办单位因违反本协议中的陈述或承诺,特别是第1.16条陈述而引起的任何损害、损失、费用(包括全额赔偿的法律费用或基础律师费用)以及任何支出。
4.6. 如果这些条例与与比赛的任何相关文宣材料中的条例存在不一致的情况,将以这些条例为参考基准。
4.7. 本次比赛以及参赛条例受新加坡法律的管辖,所有参赛者同意接受新加坡法院对比赛纠纷争议的专属管辖权及判决。
4.8. 以上条例无意根据合同(第三方权利)法(第 53B 章)授予任何第三方执行任何条例的权利,并且特此排除该法的实施。
Photo Taking Guidelines at KMSPKS 摄影规则
Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery was founded in 1921 and has more than 100 years of history. It is a spiritual sanctuary for Sanghas and devotees and we seek your cooperation to preserve the sanctity and serenity of the place by adopting the following best practices in your photoshoot.
Dress modestly
All crew and photographed subjects should dress in clothing that covers your shoulders to your knees, including the back and chest. It is also advisable to avoid see-through material like lace, chiffon or clothes with revealing cuts, slits or openings, or with offensive images or text prints.
• Use of flash photography is prohibited.
• Use a camera or smartphone that is quiet, and non-intrusive. Avoid using large or obtrusive equipment such as tripods or selfie sticks.
• Remove footwear before entering shrine halls and buildings/rooms when stated.
• If you come across Venerables, you can greet them with folded palms and a slight bow.
• Be mindful of your speech and refrain from making too much noise like laughing or talking loudly.
• Be mindful to not damage flora and fauna.
• Photography at the Crematorium and Columbarium is strictly prohibited.
• Do not remove or shift any furniture/items.
• Please ensure equipment are packed neatly and does not clutter or block any walkways.
• Clear all belongings and trash after you are done with your photoshoot.
• Do not interrupt or approach Venerables and devotees who are praying/meditating.
• Treat all Buddha and Bodhisattva statues with the utmost respect. There should be no obscene, mocking or derisive gestures / actions.
• During events, please keep away from setup/teardown works, refrain from entering cordoned-off areas, and interfering with working personnel.
• Do not interrupt ceremonies – do not walk onto or in front of the altar.
• Keep your distance from Venerables.
• Do not disrupting participants.
• At all times, please follow the instructions and directions of any staff member when you are on monastery premises.
• 严禁使用闪光灯。
• 请使用快门安静的相机或手机拍摄。避免使用大型或突兀的设备,如三脚架或自拍杆。
• 进入殿堂时,请脱鞋。
• 如果您遇到法师,请双手合十。
• 注意言行举止,避免大笑或大声说话。
• 请勿破坏植物。
• 禁止在火化场和骨灰塔拍摄。
• 请勿移动寺院的任何设施或物品。
• 请确保设备整齐的放置,不阻碍人行道。
• 完成拍摄后,请清理所有的物品和垃圾。
• 请勿打扰或靠近正在礼拜或禅修的法师和信众。
• 尊重佛菩萨圣像,请勿做出不当的手势或行为。
• 在活动期间,请远离安装或拆卸工作,避免进入封锁区域及干扰工作人员。
• 请勿打断法会或任何仪式,请勿走上祭坛或在祭坛前走动。
• 请与法师保持适当的距离。
• 请勿干扰参与法会或活动的信众。
• 在寺院内,请遵循工作人员的指示。