Photo Submission Form 作品提交表格

1. Please fill in the all required information before submitting. 请在提交表格以前填写所有必要信息。

2. Do ensure that the entry photographs must be in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300dpi and a size of 2480px X 3508px. 参赛作品必须是JPG格式,最小分辨率为300dpi,档案大小2480px X 3508px (评选过程的色彩标准为sRGB)。

3. Please ensure that each photograph is clearly labelled with your last name, and first name. The file name should include an “_” between each of the items (eg. lastname_firstname.jpg). 请确保每张照片都清楚标注名字与姓氏,并且档案名字与项目之间标注 “_” (例 lastname_firstname.jpg)。 

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