Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation 舒心 . 正念 . 静坐班

Discover serenity and inner harmony through the transformative practice of meditation. Join Venerable Kwang Sheng as he shares how meditation and Buddhist teachings can rejuvenate our energy, realign our focus, and cultivate a deep sense of tranquillity and well-being within us.


Profile 简介

Venerable Kwang Sheng was ordained under Venerable Hong Choon in 1980. Following that, he spent several years studying and practising in different countries such as Taiwan, Myanmar, Thailand, Japan and Korea. He spent a total of three years practising Zen meditation in Songgwangsa, Korea.


This course has been ongoing since 1995. 


Course Date & Time  

Every Wednesday

25 September — 6 November 2024 | 7.45pm — 9.15pm

*Dinner will be provided upon request. 若要预订晚餐,敬请告知。

Every Friday

27 September — 8 November 2024 | 7.45pm — 9.15pm

*Dinner will be provided upon request. 若要预订晚餐,敬请告知。

Every Sunday

15 September — 27 October 2024 | 2pm — 3.30pm

* Dates are subject to change.

Venue 地点: Prajna Meditation Hall | 般若禅堂

Fee 费用: $30
*The course consists of six lessons, with the possibility of offering one or two additional complimentary lessons if conditions permit.

Registration Methods 报名方式:
1) Online registration 线上报名:
Wednesday class 星期三课程 
Friday class 星期五课程 
Sunday class 星期日课程 

2) In-person registration 柜台报名: KMSPKS Reception Office 光明山普觉禅寺接待处 | 9am — 4pm
*Strictly non-refundable and non-transferable upon successful registration.

Registration Closing Date 报名截止日期: 16 October 2024 or when fully registered 额满为止

Enquiry 询问: 6849 5346 |


  • For ages 12 and above only.
  • Please enquire about student concessions and eligibility for fee waiver at 6849 5346 or
    欲查询在籍学生减免及学费抵免资格,请致电6849 5346或发送电子邮件至。

• If registration is full, kindly indicate your interest to be placed on the waiting lists below. In the event of any cancellations, interested participants on the waiting list will be contacted on a first-come, first-served basis.
• 如果报名已额满,请至以下链接填写候补名单。如有临时取消的名额,我们将依照等候名单的顺序与您联系。

Wednesday Class waitlist 星期三班等候名单
Friday Class waitlist 星期五班等候名单
Sunday Class waitlist 星期日班等候名单


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