Programme Overview
Day One 第一天
14 October (Saturday) 10月14日(星期六)
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form
Note: All sessions will be conducted in English, unless otherwise stated. 注:所有会谈将以英文进行,除非另行说明。
Breakfast 早餐
Opening Address 开场演讲
Venerable You Guang 有广法师
Secretary-General, Singapore Buddhist Federation
Organising Chairman, Singapore Buddhist Symposium 2023
President / Abbot, Samantabhadra Vihara
* This speech will be conducted in Mandarin.
Keynote Speech 主题演说: The Future Challenges Faced by Buddhism* 佛教面对的未来挑战*
Venerable Kwang Phing 广品法师
President, Singapore Buddhist Federation
Speech by Guest-of-Honour 主宾致开幕辞
Mr Edwin Tong 唐振辉先生
Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law
文化、社区及青年部长兼律政部 第二部长
Tea Break 茶点
Plenary Session One 场次一
Enlivening the Dharma: Nurturing Compassion and Wisdom through Education and Outreach @ KMS
Venerable Chuan Sheng 传圣法师
Vice-Rector (Academic Affairs and Advisor) and Associate Professor, Buddhist College of Singapore
新加坡佛学院副院长 (学术顾问), 全职副教授
Buddhist Education and Meditation in the Modern Era
Venerable Raja 心法师
Assistant Resident Monk, Mangala Vihara Buddhist Temple
Question & Answer Session 问答环节
Panellists 研讨嘉宾: Venerable Kwang Phing 广品法师, Venerable Chuan Sheng 传圣法师, Venerable Raja 心法师
Moderator 主持人: Dr. Lee Foong Ming 李凤鸣博士
Lunch 午餐
* This session will be conducted in Mandarin.
Plenary Session Two 场次二
Engaged Buddhism: From Charity to Dharma*
Mr. Low Swee Seh 刘瑞士先生
Managing Director, Buddhist Tzu Chi Merit Organization (Singapore) Ltd.
佛教慈济功德会 (新加坡) 执行董事
The Future of Humanistic Buddhism in Singapore*
Venerable Miao Mu 妙穆法师
Abbess, Fo Guang Shan Singapore 新加坡佛光山住持
Question & Answer Session 问答环节*
Panellists 研讨嘉宾: Venerable Miao Mu 妙穆法师,
Mr. Low Swee Seh 刘瑞士先生
Moderator 主持人: Dr. Lee Foong Ming 李凤鸣博士
Tea Break 茶点
* This session will be conducted in Mandarin.
Plenary Session Three 场次三
The Empowered Role of Lay Buddhists in Singapore*
Mr. Tan Lee Huak 陈立发先生
President, Singapore Buddhist Lodge 新加坡佛教居士林林长
From Experiential to Spiritual: Pacing with the Dying
Ms. Chee Wai Yee 朱慧儿女士
Co-Founder/Executive Director, The Compassionate Network 甘泉慈怀联谊会共同创始人与执行理事
Question & Answer Session 问答环节*
Panellists 研讨嘉宾: Mr. Tan Lee Huak 陈立发先生, Ms. Chee Wai Yee 朱慧儿女士
Moderator 主持人: Dr. Lee Foong Ming 李凤鸣博士
Closing Address 闭幕辞
Venerable Kwang Sheng 广声法师
Vice President, Singapore Buddhist Federation
Abbot, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery
Founder, Buddhist College of Singapore
Day Two 第二天
15 October (Sunday) 10月15日(星期日)
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form
Note: All programmes will be conducted in English. 所有活动将以英文进行。
Opening Speech
Venerable You Guang
Secretary-General, Singapore Buddhist Federation
Organising Chairman, Singapore Buddhist Symposium 2023
President / Abbot, Samantabhadra Vihara
Live Your Life Well
Mr. Fu Yong Hong
Co-Founder and CEO, Greendot Singapore
Balancing Buddhism and Modern Life: Nurturing your Conscious Path to Career and Self-Fulfilment
Ms. Ratna Juita
Founder and CEO of The Mindgem
Tea Break
Self-Directed Leadership in the Disruptive World
Mr. Dennis Ng
Business Mentor, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore for Enterprise Leadership and Transformation
Question & Answer Session
Panellists: Mr. Fu Yong Hong, Ms. Ratna Juita and Mr. Dennis Ng
Moderator: Ms. Wong Han Juan
Breakout Sessions/Fringe Activities
See below for details and schedule
Light Refreshments and Fellowship
Breakout Sessions
12.30pm to 2.30pm
Track One
YCare: Walking in Their Shoes
Shan You Counselling Centre and Dot Connections Growth Centre
Time: 12.30pm to 2.45pm
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 1, Ju Yuan Fang
Track Two
Emotional Intelligence and Enneagram for Greater Success in Life
Mr. Daniel Yeo
Director, Alive Consultancy Pte Ltd
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 3
Track Three
Nurturing Interpersonal Connections, Embracing Dynamic Relationships with Buddhist Wisdom
Mr. Sim Kwang Mong
Clinical Supervisor, Dot Connections Growth Centre
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 3
Track Four
Leadership and Buddhist Principles
Mr. Dennis Ng
Business Mentor, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore for Enterprise Leadership and Transformation
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form
Track Five
Before You Say, “I DO”. Some Essentials You Need to Know From the Buddha’s Teachings Relating to Love, Marriage and Family.
Note: There are two available timeslots to choose from.
Session One: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
Session Two: 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Dr. Kweh Soon Han
Vice-Chairman, Dharma Propagation Committee, Singapore Buddhist Federation
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 3
Fringe Activities
12.30pm to 3.45pm
Note: There are two available timeslots to choose from for each activity.
Activity One
Generate Happiness with Zentangle®
Ms. Karuni Chan Lai Yong
Certified Zentangle® Teacher of KMSPKS @ Awareness Hub
Time: 12.30pm to 1.30pm/2.00pm to 3.00pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Activity Two
Metta with Pastel Nagomi Art
Ms. Goh Yee Ling, Ms. Yong Mee Ping, Ms Iris Tan Su Fern
Time: 12.30pm to 2.00pm/2.15pm to 3.45pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Activity Three
The Gift of Mindfulness
Ms. Erin Lee
Mindfulness and Wellbeing Coach
Time: 12.30pm to 1.15pm/1.30pm to 2.15pm
Venue: Prajna Meditation Hall
Activity Four
From Suffering to Wholeness: No Mud, No Lotus — Therapeutic Arts Workshop
Ms. Jolene Chiang, Ms. Ong Leng Hong, Ms. Yap Zi Wei
Time: 12.30pm to 3.00pm (There are a total of five available slots, each lasting 30minutes.)
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Activity Five
Essence of Buddhist Music
Rejoice Music (SBF)
Time: 12.30pm to 2.00pm/2.15pm to 3.45pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Activity Six
Ceramic Hand Building Experience: A conversation between Fingers and Clay
Ms. Ng Yang Ce
Time: 12:30pm to 1:45pm/2:00pm to 3:15pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Programme Overview
Day One 第一天
14 October (Saturday)
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form
Opening Address 开场演讲
Venerable You Guang 有广法师
Secretary-General, Singapore Buddhist Federation and Organising Chairman, Singapore Buddhist Symposium 2023
新加坡佛教总会 秘书长,2023新加坡佛教论坛 主席
Keynote Speech 主题演说: The Future Challenges Faced by Buddhism* 佛教面对的未来挑战*
Venerable Kwang Phing 广品法师
President, Singapore Buddhist Federation
新加坡佛教总会 会长
* This speech will be conducted in Mandarin. 演说将以华语进行。
Address by Guest-of-Honour 主宾致开幕辞
Mr. Edwin Tong 唐振辉先生
Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law
文化、社区及青年部长兼律政部 第二部长
Tea Break 茶点
Plenary Session One 场次一
Enlivening the Dharma: Nurturing Compassion and Wisdom through Education and Outreach @ KMS
Venerable Chuan Sheng 传圣法师
Vice-Rector (Academic Affairs and Advisor) and Associate Professor, Buddhist College Singapore 新加坡佛学院 副院长(学术顾问),全职副教授
Buddhist Education and Meditation in the Modern Era
Venerable Raja 心法师
Assistant Resident Monk, Mangala Vihara Buddhist Temple (MVBT), 现代佛教教育与禅修 助理住持法师
Question & Answer Session
Panellists 研讨嘉宾: Venerable Kwang Phing 广品法师, Venerable Chuan Sheng 传圣法师,Venerable Raja 法心法师
Moderator 主持人: Dr. Lee Foong Ming 李凤鸣博士
Lunch 午餐
Plenary Session Two 场次二
Engaged Buddhism: From Charity to Dharma* 做中觉:从善门入佛门*
Mr. Low Swee Seh 刘瑞士先生
Managing Director, Buddhist Tzu Chi Merit Organization (Singapore) Ltd. 佛教慈济功德会(新加坡)执行董事
* This session will be conducted in Mandarin. 此环节将以华语进行。
The Future of Humanistic Buddhism in Singapore* 人间佛教在新加坡的愿景*
Venerable Miao Mu 妙穆法师
Abbess, Fo Guang Shan Singapore 新加坡佛光山 住持
* This session will be conducted in Mandarin. 此环节将以华语进行。
Question & Answer Session* 问答环节*
Panellists 研讨嘉宾: Venerable Miao Mu 妙穆法师,
Mr. Low Swee Seh 刘瑞士先生
Moderator 主持人: Dr. Lee Foong Ming 李凤鸣博士
* This session will be conducted in Mandarin. 此环节将以华语进行。
Tea Break 茶点
Plenary Session Three 场次三
Interaction And Support – Tomorrow Will Be Better 互动与扶持 – 明天会更好*
Mr. Ng Ghin 吴鈞先生
President, Vimalakirti Buddhist Centre 凈名佛教中心 主席
* This session will be conducted in Mandarin. 此环节将以华语进行。
The Empowered Role of Lay Buddhists in Singapore 居士在新加坡被赋予的角色*
Mr. Tan Lee Huak 陈立发先生
President, Singapore Buddhist Lodge 新加坡佛教居士林 林长
* This session will be conducted in Mandarin. 此环节将以华语进行。
Question & Answer Session 问答环节*
From Experiential to Spiritual: Pacing with the Dying 从临终陪伴落实体验式的修学
Ms. Chee Wai Yee 朱慧儿女士
Co-Founder/Executive Director, The Compassionate Network 甘泉慈怀联谊会 执行理事
Panellists 研讨嘉宾: Mr. Tan Lee Huak 陈立发先生, Ms. Chee Wai Yee 朱慧儿女士
Moderator 主持人: Dr. Lee Foong Ming 李凤鸣博士
* This session will be conducted in Mandarin. 此环节将以华语进行。
Closing Address 闭幕辞
Venerable Kwang Sheng 广声法师
Abbot, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery and Founder, Buddhist College of Singapore 光明山普觉禅寺 方丈,新加坡佛学院 院长
Day Two 第二天
15 October (Sunday)
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form
Note: All programmes will be conducted in English. 活动将以英语进行。
Opening Speech
Venerable You Guang
Secretary-General, Singapore Buddhist Federation and Organising Chairman, Singapore Buddhist Symposium 2023
Live Your Life Well
Mr. Fu Yong Hong
Co-founder and CEO of Greendot Singapore
Balancing Buddhism and Modern Life: Nurturing your Conscious Path to Career and Self-Fulfilment
Ms. Ranta Juita
Founder and CEO of The Mindgem
Tea Break
Self-Directed Leadership in the Disruptive World
Mr. Dennis Ng
Business Mentor, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore for Enterprise Leadership and Transformation
Question & Answer Session
Panelists: Mr. Fu Yong Hong, Ms. Ratna Juita and Mr. Dennis Ng
Moderator: Ms. Wong Han Juan
Breakout Sessions/Fringe Activities
See below for details and schedule
Light Refreshments and Fellowship
Breakout Sessions
12.30pm to 2.30pm
Track One
YCare: Walking in Their Shoes
Shan You Counselling Centre (SYCC) and Dot Connections Growth Centre (DC)
Time: 12.30pm to 2.45pm
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 1, Ju Yuan Fang
Track Two
Mr. Daniel Yeo
Director, Alive Consultancy Pte Ltd
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall Level
Track Three
Nurturing Interpersonal Connections, Embracing Dynamic Relationships with Buddhist Wisdom
Mr. Sim Kwang Mong
Clinical Supervisor, Dot Connections Growth Centre
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 3
Track Four
Leadership and Buddhist Principles
Mr. Dennis Ng
Business Mentor, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore for Enterprise Leadership and Transformation
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 4, Hall of No Form
Track Five
Before You Say, “I DO”. Some Essentials You Need to Know From the Buddha’s Teachings Relating to Love, Marriage and Family
Note: There are two available timeslots to choose from.
Session One: 12.30pm to 1.30pm | Session Two: 2.00pm to 3.00pm
Dr. Kweh Soon Han
Vice-Chairman, Dharma Propagation Committee, Singapore Buddhist Federation
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall, Level 3
Fringe Activities
12.30pm to 3.45pm
Note: There are two available timeslots to choose from for each activity.
Activity One
Generate Happiness with Zentangle®
Ms. Karuni Chan Lai Yong
Certified Zentangle® Teacher of KMSPKS @ Awareness Hub
Time: 12.30pm to 1.30pm/2.00pm to 3.00pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Activity Two
Metta with Pastel Nagomi Art
Ms. Goh Yee Ling, Ms. Yong Mee Ping, Ms Iris Tan Su Fern
Time: 12.30pm to 2.00pm/2.15pm to 3.45pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Activity Three
The Gift of Mindfulness
Ms. Erin Lee
Mindfulness and Wellbeing Coach
Time: 12.30pm to 1.15pm/1.30pm to 2.15pm
Venue: Prajna Meditation Hall
Activity Four
From Suffering to Wholeness: No Mud, No Lotus — Therapeutic Arts Workshop
Ms. Jolene Chiang, Ms. Ong Leng Hong, Ms. Yap Zi Wei
Time: 12.30pm to 3.00pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Activity Five
Essence of Buddhist Music
Rejoice Music (SBF)
Time: 12.30pm to 2.00pm/2.15pm to 3.45pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas
Activity Six
Ceramic Hand Building Experience: A conversation between Fingers and Clay
Ms. Ng Yang Ce
Time: 12.30pm to 1.45pm/2.00pm to 3.15pm
Venue: Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas