南无本师释迦牟尼佛 (佛号)

Performed by a chorus, which includes Venerables, this sacred Buddhist chant of “南无本师释迦牟尼佛 (佛号)” transcends words and resonates deeply with spiritual awakening. Invite your friends and family to experience the harmonious symphony of the captivating vocals... read more

Photo Submission Form 作品提交表格

1. Please fill in the all required information before submitting. 请在提交表格以前填写所有必要信息。2. Do ensure that the entry photographs must be in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300dpi and a size of 2480px X 3508px. 参赛作品必须是JPG格式,最小分辨率为300dpi,档案大小2480px X 3508px... read more

Crossing the Desert 穿越沙漠

Crossing the Desert is a story about Chang An, a young man who faced unforeseen danger, and how he and his team, through resilience, wits and perseverance overcame these challenges and found victory and success in the end.... read more