The Call of the Quiet 安定的召唤

Venerable Chuan Jia’s Journey of Faith
Ordaining as a monk is more than a shift in lifestyle; it is a profound transformation motivated by spiritual calling, personal sacrifices and steadfast dedication. For those who hear the quiet inner whisper and feel the gentle pull of this path, it invites a life filled with clarity, peace and purpose.
Venerable Chuan Jia’s journey offers a glimpse into this sacred life, illuminating the challenges he faced, the growth he experienced, and the deep meaning he found through selfless service to the community.
Awakening the Path
Long before his ordination, Venerable Chuan Jia encountered the Buddha’s teachings —the Four Noble Truths, Dependent Origination and the Three Marks of Existence —illuminating profound truths within his life experiences. “These teachings revealed a deep understanding of life’s reality,” he reflects. Grasping the significance of Dependent Origination, impermanence and the importance of approaching life with compassion and wisdom, he felt inspired to explore the monastic path to navigate life’s challenges with purpose and clarity.
For Venerable Chuan Jia, ordination felt like a natural progression rather than a sudden leap. “Much of my lifestyle was already aligned with monastic practices and values,” he shares. Rising at 5 am, performing daily chants, attending Dharma talks and pujas, and volunteering in various capacities had all become integral to his routine. This strong foundation made his transition into monastic life smoother than he anticipated.
Mindfulness and meditation, in particular, became the cornerstone of his spiritual journey. “It calms my busy mind and often sparks new ideas, helping me resolve challenging situations and offering creative insights for ongoing projects,” he shares. This practice naturally guided him toward a life of service, where sharing the Buddha’s teachings and guiding others in mindfulness — through practices like repentance prostration, chanting the Buddha’s name, circumambulating the Buddha and meditation — became both a path to personal growth and a way to benefit others.
Embracing Sacrifices, Overcoming Challenges
Despite his readiness, the path to monkhood still demanded significant personal and social sacrifices. “My family, especially my mother, was initially shocked by my decision,” he recalls. However, understanding his deep passion for helping and serving others, his family gradually accepted his choice, ultimately giving him blessings to follow his heart’s call.
Surprisingly, the transition to monastic life unfolded more smoothly than he had expected. His consistent practices and mental preparation played a crucial role. “I adopted the mindset that ‘the Sangha is your family, befriend and care for everyone’ and that ‘the monastery’s duties come first; always go with the flow,'” he shares. This perspective brought deep meaning to his journey, allowing him to prioritise the needs of the monastery and the Sangha over his own.
A Balance Between Service and Personal Cultivation
While monastic life has its challenges, it also brings immeasurable rewards. “Pace yourself with mindfulness, centre yourself through meditation, and nourish your body and mind with ample rest and the wisdom of the Dharma,” Venerable Chuan Jia advises. “This way, we can balance and fulfil our monastic roles, serve the community, and continue our self-cultivation.” Mindfulness is the anchor of his daily actions, whether attending meetings, engaging in tasks, or guiding others, allowing him to bring calm focus and intention to each moment.
Each day brings an opportunity for Venerable Chuan Jia to share the Buddha’s wisdom, support others through life’s challenges, and engage in meaningful service. “Walking the Bodhisattva path reveals how much we still need to learn,” he notes, capturing the humility at the heart of his journey. Through acts of selfless service, monks deepen their understanding of the Dharma. “By helping others, we nurture our own growth,” he shares, underscoring the reciprocal nature of compassion and spiritual practice.
Community service is at the heart of his life’s purpose. “The late Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh described this relationship as ‘interbeing’ — by serving others, we are essentially serving ourselves, as we are all deeply interconnected,” he explains. The joy that arises from helping others fortifies his mind and strengthens his Bodhisattva vow, fostering resilience and purpose along his spiritual path.
Daily practices of chanting, meditation, mindfulness, and Dharma study anchor him in the Buddha’s teachings. “This connection humbles and inspires me, reminding me to diligently cultivate along the long and arduous path to Buddhahood,” he says. He channels these moments of reflection into opportunities for self-improvement, benefiting both the Sangha and the wider community.
The Contemporary Monk
Contrary to common misconceptions, today’s monks are not isolated. “I don’t feel lonely,” he laughs. “Honestly, I don’t have time to feel lonely.” Venerable Chuan Jia’s days are filled with monastic duties, community service and personal cultivation.
Far from being disconnected, today’s monks embrace technology to stay connected and better serve their communities. “Whether it’s answering inquiries via phone or email, propagating the Dharma on social media, or helping teenagers balance digital life with mindfulness, monastics blend ancient teachings with modern realities.”
Maintaining relationships with family and friends remains important, even after ordination. Venerable Chuan Jia explains that, in the Mahayana tradition, ordination does not mean completely severing ties. They are also sentient beings caught in the cycle of samsara, facing their own challenges and seeking ways and wisdom to free themselves from suffering. “By embodying the Buddha’s teachings and demonstrating our self-transformation, we inspire them on their journeys. When they open their hearts to us, we can offer guidance and support rooted in compassion and wisdom, helping them navigate life’s challenges and stresses.”
Advice for the Aspiring
Venerable Chuan Jia offers practical advice for those contemplating monkhood. “Every career has stresses and challenges, and monkhood is no exception,” he explains. The difference lies in how monastics approach them — with mindfulness, compassion and wisdom. Balancing personal cultivation with community service fosters harmony, where inner peace and outward service coexist.
He encourages potential aspirants to explore the monastic life firsthand. “Don’t quit your job just yet. Instead, take a few months’ leave and experience life as a Sangha. This immersion offers insight into monastic routines and helps clarify one’s calling.” For those who feel inspired or certain about this path, ordination arrangements can follow.
The Pursuit of Growth and Purpose
Monkhood is not an escape from the world; it is a deep engagement with life. Personal growth and service become intertwined, with fulfilment arising from mindful living, self-reflection and the joy of serving others.
“Enlightenment is a gradual process,” Venerable Chuan Jia shares. “As we deepen our understanding and learning, we help and guide others who cross our paths.” His journey is one of self-discovery, spiritual awakening and compassionate service — an invitation to all who feel the quiet call within.
For those who hear that call, our Sangha warmly encourages you to explore it further. Reach out to us at 6849 5357 or visit for more information.
早在决定出家以前,传嘉法师就已深受佛陀教义的启发——四圣谛、缘起法与三法印,照亮了他的生命。他说道:“这些教义让我透彻地洞见的生命实相。” 通过理解缘起与无常生灭的意义,他更明白以慈悲和智慧面对人生挑战的重要性。因此,他选择了踏上出家之路,以此在无常的世界中找到方向与意义。
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尽管已做足准备,出家依然需要他在个人与社会层面上作出相应的取舍。“这个决定让家人,尤其是母亲,感到震惊。”传嘉法师回忆起,出家不仅意味着离开家人,还需放下情感的牵挂。但在兄弟姐妹的理解和支持下,家人逐渐接受并祝福他所选择的这条道路。” 但随着时间的推移,家人理解了他对服务众生的热忱,最终接受并祝福了他的选择。
出人意料的是,出家后的转变并不像他所想的那样艰难。一直以来的修持与心态上的调整在这一过程中起到了至关重要的作用:“我抱持着‘僧团即是家’的态度,与众僧友善相处,并秉持‘寺院事务为重、随缘而行’的心态。” 这种心境使他将寺院和僧团的需求置于个人所求之上,赋予了出家生活更深的意义。
若您也听到了这份心的召唤,我们诚挚欢迎您进一步探索出家之路。请致电6849 5357,或访问 了解更多信息。