Beyond the Self 超越自我

Venerable Chuan Sheng’s Journey to Monkhood
At some point in life, many people may wonder about the deeper meaning of life and seek a purpose beyond their career success and material gains. This moment of reflection occurred to Venerable Chuan Sheng in his 40s. Despite his success in his career at the National University of Singapore (NUS), he was driven to explore the essence of existence beyond professional achievements.
His grasp of Buddhism, rooted in his childhood and enriched by his undergraduate studies in philosophy, became more than just an academic subject. As he engaged himself in Dharma talks, classes, and meditation practices across various Buddhist traditions, Buddhism became a way of life rather than a subject of study.
As he neared 50, Venerable Chuan Sheng decided to retire early, dedicating his life to spiritual development and community service. His turning point came when he joined a short-term novice monk programme at Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery (KMSPKS), which included a 10-day retreat to Bodhgaya, India. This experience deeply moved him. “I thought, maybe I can explore becoming a monk — it is one way of contributing to society and deepening my understanding of spiritual matters,” he reflects.
Upon returning, Venerable Chuan Sheng approached Venerable Kwang Sheng, the abbot of KMSPKS, with the hope of joining the monastic community. With the support of his siblings, who assured him they would care for their ageing parents, he was able to pursue his calling without worry. “Because KMSPKS is a local monastery, my family knew I would remain based in Singapore, which probably made things easier,” he shares.
Venerable Chuan Sheng concluded his 26-year academic career at NUS and joined KMSPKS as a resident monk at the age of 51.
Entering Monastic Life
Shortly after his ordination, Venerable Chuan Sheng travelled to Taiwan for higher ordination, where he underwent an intensive month-long training on the fundamentals of monasticism alongside fellow monk Venerable Chuan Hang. “The training was rigorous and challenging, and we learnt a great deal while living with several hundred fellow monastics,” he recalls.
Upon his return to KMSPKS, he continued his studies under the compassionate guidance of his ordination master, Venerable Kwang Sheng. With his academic background, he was appointed Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs at the Buddhist College of Singapore (BCS).
Today, Venerable Chuan Sheng’s daily life is a harmonious blend of spiritual practice and academic responsibilities. Each morning begins with mindfulness meditation, chanting and reflection, while the rest of his day is dedicated to overseeing the curriculum at BCS where he works with monastic and lay staff to educate the next generation of Buddhist leaders. “Time management and prioritising responsibilities are key to balancing a steady progress in spiritual cultivation and avoiding burnout,” he emphasises.
To keep his physical health in good shape, Venerable Chuan Sheng tries to practise Taiji, walk 10,000 steps, and climb 20 flights of stairs daily.
Community service also plays a role in his monastic life. He engages in various activities, from supporting inter-religious dialogues to promoting Buddhist education and applying the Dharma in ways that promote understanding and compassion within the broader community.
Finding Joy and Fulfilment in the Present
Contrary to common misconceptions, Venerable Chuan Sheng highlights that monkhood does not mean severing ties with family and friends. “I keep in touch with my family and friends through calls and occasional meetings,” he says.
One of the most fulfilling aspects of his new life is the opportunity to learn and teach Buddhist practices in a supportive environment. “We all learn from each other — monastics, lay staff, volunteers, and devotees — under the wise guidance of Venerable Kwang Sheng,” he shares.
On top of this, he finds great joy in watching the growth of student monks at BCS, where he feels a deep sense of purpose in knowing that many of them will go on to pursue postgraduate degrees in fields such as Buddhist Studies, Applied Buddhism, Buddhist Counselling, Buddhist Chaplaincy, and Religious Studies, and that they will be well-prepared for future leadership roles in their communities.
Venerable Chuan Sheng also shared that he derives happiness from living fully in the present moment, free from the distractions of past regrets or future anxieties. “As my faith in Buddhism deepened, it became easier to let go of views and expectations of how life should be.” He now sees life’s twists and turns as opportunities for growth and discovery. “I’ve learned to be grateful for the people and situations that come into my life, as they represent the different lessons I need to address,” he adds. For him, this journey is one of lifelong learning, a process that continues to unfold with each new day. Rather than being overwhelmed by challenges, he approaches every situation with good-heartedness and a sense of humour.
With his background in history, Venerable Chuan Sheng appreciates the diverse experiences of monastics across different times and cultures. He recognises that monastics, like everyone else, are human and imperfect. Everyone is shaped by their social and cultural environment and upbringing values. With this perspective, he stresses the importance of continual adaptation to changing circumstances. “We need to learn from our mistakes to keep growing and maturing in life,” he concludes.
An invitation to Explore
In today’s fast-paced society, individuals may overlook the enriching and meaningful path of ordination. Venerable Chuan Sheng believes that opportunities like short-term retreats can offer much-needed space for reflection and growth. “Learn more about what to expect by speaking with monastics from the Buddhist tradition and the institution you wish to be ordained in. Join temple activities like stays and short-term retreats to see if you can adapt to its environment. Do discuss your intention with your family. It’s important to have their blessings before pursuing this calling,” he advises.
The path to monkhood is not merely about renunciation; it invites individuals to embrace a life rich in clarity, peace and purpose.